Message from @Funkerlied

Discord ID: 583175894844309505

2019-05-29 05:36:02 UTC  


2019-05-29 05:36:38 UTC  

There is only one awful kind of race on earth....track and field

2019-05-29 05:37:17 UTC  

Yeah what Lehi said. Also by the this definition of Race it kind of reclassifies all racist as ethnist? Which is kind of weird

2019-05-29 05:46:54 UTC  

Is this actually supposed to be a leftist server?

2019-05-29 05:47:54 UTC  

Racists are to me, people that would judge a group as better or worse according to it's racial makeup. **This includes people who think a diverse group is better**

2019-05-29 05:50:27 UTC  

To me democrats are the most racist group. They try to change things to benefit one race ovr another purely because that race is disadvantaged. I don't see why a disadvantaged group should be favored or even why the fact that they are disadvantaged should have any meaning at all

2019-05-29 05:51:17 UTC  

If you truly are not racist you treat all races equally whether they are disadvantaged or not

the best way to abolish racism is to simply stop talking about it

stop referring to x as a black man and y as a white man and refer to them both as humans

2019-05-29 05:52:34 UTC  

Yes that is true, and everyone knows that. Democrats don't actually want to stop it though, they want to portray themselves as fighting against it even if that act actually contributes to the problem rather than aliviating it

2019-05-29 05:54:02 UTC  

they are not similiar >.>, They both cater to rich but is much different

they're similar in different ways, if that makes any sense

2019-05-29 06:10:36 UTC  

So what do you purpose they do about disadvantaged groups then

2019-05-29 06:11:01 UTC  

We’ve atleast banned literal slavery

2019-05-29 06:12:19 UTC  

@everyone Channels been reorganized. New look gives a new fresh feel. And all we know feels are important. Send us your great awesome ideas of how we can improve /leftypol/ until we reach a complete greatness, comrade!

2019-05-29 06:12:48 UTC

2019-05-29 06:12:56 UTC  

I will feel free to look

2019-05-29 06:13:05 UTC  

I really don’t see how modern dems are worse then reps even if they advocate for inherently racist systems there’s a big differences between republican boot licker fetishism and democrats false opposition

2019-05-29 06:13:10 UTC  

Now I will continue doing my milkman work

2019-05-29 06:13:20 UTC  

Have a good day fellow humans

2019-05-29 06:14:25 UTC  

@Dking most of the middle East is a mix of semetic and European and a bit of African

2019-05-29 06:15:33 UTC  


2019-05-29 06:20:46 UTC  


2019-05-29 06:32:18 UTC  

@Firefly my suggestion would be to avoid having so many different language areas, and just have it all condensed into one channel (such as this one). The way you have it currently is fine though. The only downside I see is that it may spread the activity too thin.

2019-05-29 06:35:16 UTC  

@candykittenmeow not many people here are capable into English their native language. Just few speak another language. So most people are confined here.

what's the point of <#543623187120783371> ?

2019-05-29 06:35:59 UTC  

It was requested by 3 Esperanto speakers

but don't they speak another language?

2019-05-29 06:36:17 UTC  

I hope so

2019-05-29 06:36:47 UTC  

@Firefly that's totally fair yeah

the last post in there is over a month old

nvm, there are apparently some native Esperanto speakers

though the channel still is really dead lol

barely any of the discussion in that channel is even in Esperanto

2019-05-29 06:39:31 UTC  

As of inactivity #esperanto channel is deleted now

same with other language channels too