Message from @DA GOMMIE JOO

Discord ID: 614639681778221069

2019-08-24 01:53:28 UTC

2019-08-24 01:53:43 UTC  

i know it!

2019-08-24 01:54:06 UTC  

oh is it real /sg/ hours?

2019-08-24 01:54:13 UTC  

oh me oh my

2019-08-24 01:54:18 UTC

2019-08-24 01:54:30 UTC  

Ah yes

2019-08-24 01:54:34 UTC

2019-08-24 01:54:47 UTC  

surrounded gang

2019-08-24 01:54:51 UTC  

What’s that

2019-08-24 01:54:59 UTC  

that's a turkish observation outpost

2019-08-24 01:54:59 UTC  


2019-08-24 01:55:07 UTC  

that used to be connected to the rest of idlib

2019-08-24 01:55:14 UTC  


2019-08-24 01:55:22 UTC  


2019-08-24 01:55:37 UTC  

there are actually photos of SAA troops posing in front of the turkish outpost

2019-08-24 01:56:06 UTC  

Very kek

2019-08-24 01:56:41 UTC

2019-08-24 01:57:20 UTC  

and behind those doors are some turks who are about to get green bussed

2019-08-24 01:57:25 UTC  

Oh I saw that

2019-08-24 01:58:21 UTC  

and apparently there are reports that HTS completely lost their heavy armor in the latest idlib offensive

2019-08-24 01:58:39 UTC  

saw that on /sg/ so it's probably just a rumor but we can hope

2019-08-24 01:58:42 UTC  

What's HTS?

2019-08-24 01:58:47 UTC  

hayat tarir al-sham

2019-08-24 01:58:49 UTC  

Is that Al Qaeda?

2019-08-24 01:59:07 UTC  

they're basically what's left of the non-turkish rebels

2019-08-24 01:59:19 UTC  

a mix of al nusra, FSA, and any ISIS members who slipped through the cracks

2019-08-24 01:59:26 UTC  


2019-08-24 01:59:48 UTC  

Haven’t heard of Al Nusra in a while

2019-08-24 01:59:57 UTC  

what they doin now?

2019-08-24 02:00:04 UTC  

They got knocked out bad in 2017 and have been inactive since

2019-08-24 02:00:08 UTC  

yeah they disbanded

2019-08-24 02:00:17 UTC  


2019-08-24 02:00:35 UTC  

every group that isn't the southern US-backed rebels or the turk-backed NLF disbanded and joined HTS

2019-08-24 02:00:47 UTC  

even ISIS?

2019-08-24 02:01:11 UTC  

ISIS focuses on other places recently haven't been active in that region

2019-08-24 02:01:23 UTC  

yeah ISIS got completely obliterated in syria

2019-08-24 02:01:39 UTC  

at this point they're a few insurgents running around burning fields

2019-08-24 02:03:14 UTC  

I heard Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi got wounded and handed the Caliph role to one of Saddam’s former somthings

2019-08-24 02:04:11 UTC  

I wonder if he managed to make it out of the Levant or that he is still in Iraq somewhere.

2019-08-24 02:04:34 UTC  

I wouldn't be surprised if he is hiding out in Africa somewhere

2019-08-24 02:04:56 UTC  

Or 10 miles away from a US army base in Pakistan