Message from @MyLittleSweetie
Discord ID: 309015180832931841
that the only way full communism will happen 2 bee hornet
Marx is a lost cause, buried 6 ft deep
We do have botox Lenin preserved
Do we?
All we gotta do is resurrect him, teach him about dialectal materialism and we got ourselves a revolution
All languages are acceptable here in Int.
We will create channels for each
Lula fez nada de errado
Tucanos mereceram pior
what a forehead
I have the same forehead ^___^
Bolding as we speak
Are we going to have 0 torrelance for non-socialists/communists?
We are very liberal. You can do anything you want in here.
Just keep in mind that I'm Stalinist and we will pay you back one day
О, пони, ты тут
Тебя кикнули из того чата, или ты сам вышел
И меня кикнули.
@MyLittleSweetie so how long are you libertarian?
So did everyone see USSR-chan drawing competition on Russian board?
I would like to make another Cosplay competition. But am not sure where
Welcome, newcomers!
This is a place for a free discussion on left topics. We will bring much more people this week.
Если б я таких знал, я, пожалуй, был бы самым счастливым человеком на свете
Я украинец, немного.
Потому что украиноцентристы национал-коммунисты это весело
@bochka_ насколько я знаю, журнал "Пропаганда" имеет нескольких таких
Daily reminder that Tito poisoned Stalin and that makes him the best leader of the world
@DeathSeller did you read Stalin?