Message from @slack
Discord ID: 312338694382157825
i phone up friends and argue about race realism not being racism while i walk through this staunch lobotomized antifa area i live in
why race matters by michael levin is probably worthwhile to read
tradition is subjective, societies and cultures change everyday
people act like its such a fundumental process of everyday life, but actually tradition is vastly different through out the courses of years
every phenotype of every species adheres to the rule of territory...synthetic ideologies lead to catastrophe for the many and profiteering for the few...thats the plan...also you have to fuk the white so jews are safe..the germans being the most evil of all whites...i am up to speed with the narrative
1965 naturalisation and immigration bill in america...heard of that one?
its where the new narrative swoop began
practical idealism from kalergi was 1926?? but same shit
global populace has been more than trebled in less than half a century whilst europeans have been inculcated to not breed..i'm just's full spectrum..if you can get your head around it...youre probably going to be called a nazi by your friends
Did you make this pic with a start?
somebody else made it?
did you dribble on your keyboard whilst you rat tapped that nonsense comment?
like I said..UN stats
oh, we got a floppy fish
do a reverse image search, my dear fellow that isnt a moronic asshole
Hau ab Fotse
I'm a troll now? jeez
r u maybe a little bit triggered too easily or what?
Мукн мукн екшппукув
yeah...i'm in Engleesh..sowry
good to see you again
funy how western leftists declare ukraine neo nazi when the majority of influential positions are filled by zionists
i guess thats just smoke and mirrors and people not being smart
Isn't it the same ideology, nazi and zionizm?
You're mistaken