Message from @Blebleh

Discord ID: 315135830937305089

2017-05-19 14:31:52 UTC  

Read about privatization in nazi germany and nazi ties to capitalists all around the world and tell me if that's being anticapitalist, retard

2017-05-19 14:32:07 UTC  

about the central banking and bakunin

2017-05-19 14:32:18 UTC  

bakunin as anarchist didn't want to rely on a central state, he wanted a federation of libertarian socialist communes

2017-05-19 14:32:29 UTC  

in self-management, they didn't even reach a central planned economy yet

2017-05-19 14:34:14 UTC  

Do you think it's a coincidence that, when the people are tired of liberalism and porky wants to protect its capital, these right-wing populists/pseudofascists start to pop up and get massive media coverage like crazy?

2017-05-19 14:34:31 UTC  

about communism and jews....bolshevist high command over 98% jewish....nkvd summary executions on the spot after lenin decreed your "anti semitism" a capital offence...uh...marx the 3rd cousin to rothschild, infamous for hating russians...scores of millions dead....hang a moment...i will give you a list of all the jewish capitalist banking houses that bankrolled the russian revolution you robot

2017-05-19 14:34:43 UTC  

When capitalism is in danger it always resorts to fascism or its variants

2017-05-19 14:35:01 UTC  

those are falsifications of nazis

2017-05-19 14:35:05 UTC  

capitalism and communism are the dialectic omg...people are so dumb

2017-05-19 14:35:21 UTC  

like the one I read, that he had a rabbi XD

2017-05-19 14:35:39 UTC  

and in that case it wouldn't have mattered anyways

2017-05-19 14:35:51 UTC  

now you got "democracy". go congratulate a rabbi for gspreading infant herpes hahahah

2017-05-19 14:35:54 UTC  

they were still socialists and the nazis not

2017-05-19 14:36:03 UTC  

"People are so dumb", says the guy who is falling for the capitalist tactics of becoming more authoritarian when the situation is dangerous for them

2017-05-19 14:36:10 UTC  

socialism is the common wheel.... it was co opted

2017-05-19 14:36:12 UTC  

proletarian democracy>bourgeois democracy

2017-05-19 14:36:54 UTC  

you are literally light years, behnd... know...whatever

2017-05-19 14:37:02 UTC  


2017-05-19 14:37:07 UTC  

nazis and fascists are antisocialist, they deny class struggle, they conserve capitalism and they want the state in all spheres of the life

2017-05-19 14:37:09 UTC  

Ahh, the irony

2017-05-19 14:37:17 UTC  

state serves one class or another

2017-05-19 14:37:20 UTC  

no irony...

2017-05-19 14:37:33 UTC  

Yes, there's a huge irony in your words

2017-05-19 14:38:02 UTC  

Why don't you address the topic of Hitler privatizing the economy and making deals with capitalists all over the globe?

2017-05-19 14:38:11 UTC  

Lenin decreed summary executions for "anti semitism" now theres the irony...the nkvd behind the red army shooting those who ran back from the front and hadnt found a rifle to use from the dead....theres the shabbos goy fool

2017-05-19 14:38:20 UTC  

Hey, don't ignore my question

2017-05-19 14:38:49 UTC  

Tell me, why did Hitler privatize strategic sectors of the economy while making deals with the bourgeoisie all over the globe?

2017-05-19 14:39:03 UTC  

Isn't he against capitalism?

2017-05-19 14:39:05 UTC  

he made deals with mostly very poor nations and traded commodity for technology to circumvent the international boycott and it was massively successful and a threat to international capital lmfao

2017-05-19 14:39:16 UTC  

The US and the UK are poor nations?

2017-05-19 14:39:26 UTC  

See, now you're just being ridiculous

2017-05-19 14:39:46 UTC  

And why did he privatize the economy?

2017-05-19 14:39:49 UTC  

International capital supporting Henry Ford

2017-05-19 14:39:59 UTC  


2017-05-19 14:40:00 UTC  


2017-05-19 14:40:05 UTC  

and Ford is only one example

2017-05-19 14:40:12 UTC  

oh....the nsdap was not financed by the uk or was the most significant economic turn arond ever and the caveat that it was because of rearmament is bs as rearmament actually drained fromt he economy and thus they created the mefo bill

2017-05-19 14:40:18 UTC  

and Ford was a mason

2017-05-19 14:40:22 UTC  

33 degree

2017-05-19 14:40:30 UTC  

oh god

2017-05-19 14:40:56 UTC  

Slack, you're just being a poor caricature of yourself at this point