Message from @((()))

Discord ID: 328026948284448770

2017-06-24 04:12:14 UTC  

you need to find out what energy you are and where you stand on the square

2017-06-24 04:12:25 UTC  


2017-06-24 04:13:18 UTC  

What energy am I? What is the square?

2017-06-24 04:13:31 UTC  

one sec, let me draw it

2017-06-24 04:14:05 UTC  

Why are you giving all this information to me for free? What's the catch?

2017-06-24 04:14:55 UTC  

no catch, when everyone knows the truth and understands it is when all of us get to move up in frequency of enlightement and maybe become type 1 civ

2017-06-24 04:15:27 UTC  

we are fighting and we don't even know why

2017-06-24 04:15:37 UTC  

we do I hate jews? (i know now) but I didn't know before

2017-06-24 04:15:48 UTC  

why do I hate musslim?!? (i know now) but didn't before

2017-06-24 04:15:49 UTC  

and so on

2017-06-24 04:15:59 UTC  

Why do you hate?

2017-06-24 04:15:59 UTC  

why are jews and palestines are fighting for 1000 years?

2017-06-24 04:16:10 UTC  

exactly! WHY DO YOU HATE?

2017-06-24 04:17:56 UTC  

Hmmm. I think the ego is easily offended. But hate is built on misunderstanding. Buddha was right about that one. It is wasted energy to hate others. It poisons you.

2017-06-24 04:19:25 UTC  

Everything you gain energically from strong feelings, also costs you. You are burdened with it, too. Like having to carry around a sword all the time.

2017-06-24 04:20:06 UTC  

I'm too lazy for that shit.

2017-06-24 04:20:26 UTC

2017-06-24 04:21:02 UTC  

You want to get to the top of the PYRAMID

2017-06-24 04:21:16 UTC  

PYRAMID viewed from the top looks like a SQUARE with CROSS

2017-06-24 04:21:21 UTC  

Holy shit. Dropping the knowledge.

2017-06-24 04:21:58 UTC  

4 elements are you 4 primary emotions aka ARCH ANGELS

2017-06-24 04:22:20 UTC  

FIRE CAN NEVER BECOME WATER thus once a male you'll never be a female

2017-06-24 04:22:23 UTC  

but all of this begs the question

2017-06-24 04:22:24 UTC  

if u were a a magic anime girl, what would your element be

2017-06-24 04:22:27 UTC

2017-06-24 04:22:27 UTC  


2017-06-24 04:22:39 UTC  

but you can make changes by using mid elements such as EARTH or AIR

2017-06-24 04:22:45 UTC  

just like in Chemisttry

2017-06-24 04:23:03 UTC  

hehe I dunnno Jehovah

2017-06-24 04:23:09 UTC  

what kind of Magic?

2017-06-24 04:23:14 UTC  

elemental magic

2017-06-24 04:23:34 UTC  

What does EARTH and AIR look like?

2017-06-24 04:23:35 UTC  

probably something to do with vagina

2017-06-24 04:23:40 UTC  

like a V shape

2017-06-24 04:23:45 UTC  

something pink

2017-06-24 04:23:51 UTC  

maybe pink fish

2017-06-24 04:24:04 UTC  

EARTH, grounded invididual

2017-06-24 04:24:13 UTC  

AIR hippy dreamer that lives in the clouds

2017-06-24 04:24:18 UTC  

WATER (goes with the flow)

2017-06-24 04:24:27 UTC  

FIRE easy to trigger aka antifa/sjw

2017-06-24 04:24:53 UTC  

you want to balance yourself to be in the middle so you can climb up