Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 328751324734816256

2017-06-26 04:06:56 UTC  

and mastercard

2017-06-26 04:08:02 UTC  

I might talk to you about this more at a later date.

2017-06-26 04:11:10 UTC  

haha cool, if ya wanna join just hit me up haha @Deleted User

2017-06-26 04:11:20 UTC  

i got 100 members in 1 day haha, its a relatively new server

2017-06-26 04:11:41 UTC  

Message me server inivte

2017-06-26 04:11:43 UTC  

mmade it yesterday

2017-06-26 04:11:43 UTC  


2017-06-26 04:13:58 UTC  

why are anarchists leftists 🤔

2017-06-26 04:15:14 UTC  

anarcho capitalists

2017-06-26 04:16:17 UTC  


2017-06-26 04:16:44 UTC  

Good question. Anarcho is a bit of misnomer. Regular Anarchism would abolish private property. But of course there are other anarcho which just want to remove government. Which seems more libertarian to me. I don't follow their reasoning. It's having cake and eating it.

2017-06-26 04:18:00 UTC  

let their not be cake

2017-06-26 04:18:00 UTC  

The question of left and right is differentiated by private or public property, in my mind.

2017-06-26 04:18:31 UTC  

the fuck do you think or something

2017-06-26 04:18:42 UTC  

stop that

2017-06-26 04:19:04 UTC  

From an narcissistic, 'let the world burn' perspective, I get AnCap. But it is still exploitative.

2017-06-26 04:19:20 UTC  

Yeah i know right. I waste too much time and energy thinking.

2017-06-26 04:19:35 UTC  

what all 2 dozen main brands of anarchism

2017-06-26 04:19:57 UTC  

i mena what 3/4 left leaning vs right

2017-06-26 04:20:17 UTC  

All anarchism is retarded.

2017-06-26 04:20:23 UTC  

Let's get that straight first.

2017-06-26 04:20:30 UTC  

u want a real brain tingler

2017-06-26 04:20:38 UTC  

Oh boy. Do me.

2017-06-26 04:21:02 UTC  

get tingled

2017-06-26 04:21:41 UTC  

This is a joke right?

2017-06-26 04:21:47 UTC  


2017-06-26 04:21:49 UTC  

Seems like a Stalinist version of Anarchism. It is based on necessity and settling for what they can get.

2017-06-26 04:22:11 UTC  

Well this is a first for me

2017-06-26 04:22:15 UTC  

well i mean

2017-06-26 04:22:20 UTC  

like chopin said

2017-06-26 04:22:22 UTC  

It will still blow up.

2017-06-26 04:22:26 UTC  

all an is a joke

2017-06-26 04:22:56 UTC  

It's like the old saying, in a world full of complete pacifism, the first person to pick up a weapon gets absolute power.

2017-06-26 04:23:22 UTC  

Anarchism will always be crushed because they are not centralising power against aggressors.

2017-06-26 04:24:03 UTC  

In a world whose laws are based in dominance, the big stick always wins. The state is always needed, until it changes the rules in humanity.

2017-06-26 04:24:06 UTC  

I spoke with an Ancap and he claimed that if there was say a foreign invader they'd simply hire PMC's and form militias

2017-06-26 04:24:31 UTC  

Yeah? And then militias have absolute power, and form a dynasty. It's fucking retarded.

2017-06-26 04:24:51 UTC  

you jsut wait till he gets his personal nuke

2017-06-26 04:25:09 UTC  

Not to mention that a Ancap society would just de-evolve into Feudalism

2017-06-26 04:25:30 UTC  

Power has a gravity. It will always result in monopolies.