Message from @Dead Account
Discord ID: 330467600951934988
nobody gives a shit about america lol
that doesnt change the fact that you hold views which are incompatible with socialism
USSR gay lol
marx could have never forseen the evil of the free woman so i dont think he would like female liberation if he were to see how they act now
name one thing wrong with women
you're generalizing an entire half of the population
you have yet to do so
1.high divorce rates
i have asked you multiple times
but they have boobies
2.sexual liberation
how is that a problem with women?
how is sexual liberation bad
because women caused the sexual liberation movement
and its degeneracy
''how is fucking 500 men degenerate''''
i mean how is it
nutting feels good
degeneracy - stuff that hurts my feelings
is this the state of the leftist movement on the outside?
i dont care how many people you fuck
Sid, you never answered his question
only insecure nutcases care
You are just calling things bad without explaining why
you guys seriously cant see the degeneracy and coruption of society by degenerate sociopathic whores that we call women?
I can see you are a troll
i dont give a fuck about "degeneracy"
only fascists and conservatives do
they have boobies
whats ur rebuttal
Women care more about safety. In the time of necessary fight they instinctively save themselves for a better good of the population. And lose the fight. Preservation in the time of need is reactionary.
@Dead Account news flash all societies past the last 2 ones have been conservative whether right or left