Message from @Sid
Discord ID: 330474921824223235
oh cool racism now with the sexism
well ive had my fun baiting the troll but i'll do like lenin and the rest and stop xD
you think this is bait?
you have zero socialist ideals whatsoever
so yes
Do you think an african could have ever invented anything that those figures have ever done?
the amount of melanin in your skin has fuckall to do with capacity to impact the world
so fuck off with the racism
it does because no black person has ever invented anything important
white people need to be gulagd
where are the african inventions and ideas that have changed the world
no white person has ever achieved anything good
we should round up the white people and hang them all
join and have the true redpill
even for a moment
if you think we are stupiud
even for a couple of minutes
for what
National Trotskyism?
Is this you?
get in brothers
why would i debate a metric fuckton of people? 1v1 is as fair as it gets, get ur fake ideology outta ere
i am the first supporter not the creator
i know the creator though
he is a neighbor
im greek and proud fight me
nobody wants ur fake ideology lol
thats revisionist
and you are a cuckold
what the fuck is a ""fake"" ideology?