Message from @Zayy
Discord ID: 334103841958264835
whats up
The sky
Hardcore tankie here.
why tho
Firm believer in non-marxist third worldism
So Gaddafi, Assad, DPRK, etc.
why tho
Because, I believe the first and second world are not inherently revolutionary
I believe that the third world must liberate itself, and form their own national identities, and defend themselves from foreign imperialists.
<:rbl:312038341736529923> 🇸🇾 <:rbl:312038341736529923>
People who call Assad a fascist are basic liberal lefties.
Defending its sovereignty Syria can use any means necessary.
He wants the Golan Heights returned back to Syria, by ANY means necessary
If it means eliminating the zionist state, so be it.
I agree.
Syria declared war on Israel and lost the golan heights
you declare war and lose you suffer conveniences
and they will win again
not conveniences
They are winning against the counter revolutionary rebel rats
They will win against the Tel Aviv regime
Watch as they try and get damnatio memoriaed out of history
They are allied with Assad, btw
Maybe if Israel were alone! But Israel has the imperialist US to fight wars for them
What if Israel will become unnecessary for USA.