Message from @Firefly

Discord ID: 337110900181827595

2017-07-19 05:51:48 UTC  

Like it had multiple parties beforehand

2017-07-19 05:52:03 UTC  

But slowly all of them got disbanded

2017-07-19 05:52:05 UTC  

Well before the rise of the Nazis there were multiple parties, yes

2017-07-19 05:52:10 UTC  

And only one remained

2017-07-19 05:52:21 UTC  

But the Straserites were faction within the nazi party that were hard core socialists

2017-07-19 05:52:31 UTC  

That eventually got killed off by the traitor hitler

2017-07-19 05:53:21 UTC  

Anyway, in 1934, Hitler ended up killing off the Strasserites and limting the power of the brownshirts during what was called the "night of the long knives"

2017-07-19 05:53:32 UTC  


2017-07-19 05:53:46 UTC  

Because he was backed by industrialists who didn't like the fact that he had so many socialists in his party

2017-07-19 05:54:05 UTC  

During this purge Otto Strassers brother "Gregor Strasser" was killed

2017-07-19 05:54:38 UTC  

Otto Strasser had left the Nazi party prior to that because he knew what was going to happen

2017-07-19 05:54:48 UTC  

Is the National Democratic party in Germany really national socialist?

2017-07-19 05:54:58 UTC  

not sure about that

2017-07-19 05:55:19 UTC  

but I have a good understanding of the early history of the nazi party

2017-07-19 05:55:30 UTC  

and Hitlers betrayal to socialism

2017-07-19 05:55:43 UTC  


2017-07-19 05:56:19 UTC  

Otto and Hitler never really got along

2017-07-19 05:56:54 UTC  

After Hitler killed his brother Gregor, he started his own national resistance group called the "black front"

2017-07-19 05:57:14 UTC  

Here is their flag.

2017-07-19 05:58:21 UTC  

I should photoshop this into the Red Phoenix.

2017-07-19 05:58:27 UTC  

As I stated previously, he wanted the elimination of private property, the end to the war in Europe, a European confederation and workers councils under an elected lifetime president which would essentially be a strongman

2017-07-19 05:59:17 UTC  

He wanted elected managers within industry. The managers would own 1/3rd of profits, the state 1/3rd and the workers 1/3rd

2017-07-19 05:59:32 UTC  

Much better than sword and sicle.

2017-07-19 05:59:39 UTC  

It's a nice flag

2017-07-19 05:59:52 UTC  

Very aesthetic

2017-07-19 06:00:09 UTC  

I wonder if @I have Moved is still here tbh?

2017-07-19 06:00:16 UTC  

otherwise I'd be going over this for nothing

2017-07-19 06:00:55 UTC  

Is of ok. You shall tell us more tbh

2017-07-19 06:01:20 UTC  

Alright comrade, I shall tell you more of this misunderstood socialist hero

2017-07-19 06:01:36 UTC  

Anyway, he is widely misunderstood because he was a member of the nazi party originally

2017-07-19 06:01:52 UTC  

the wikipedia article about him literally says he just "hated jews"

2017-07-19 06:02:00 UTC  

when infact that's not true

2017-07-19 06:02:08 UTC  

He worked with many Jews to try to kill Hitler

2017-07-19 06:02:28 UTC  

In 1940 the "Jewish Question" was a big thing in Germany

2017-07-19 06:02:34 UTC  

He advocated 3 solutions

2017-07-19 06:02:49 UTC  

1. to make them a "national minority" with their own representation in Germany

2017-07-19 06:03:31 UTC  

Couldn't remember it all

2017-07-19 06:03:36 UTC  

anyway here's a good quote

2017-07-19 06:03:53 UTC  

>Unlike with Hitler's regime, Otto Strasser supported the right for German Jews to do one of the
following: 1) They may stay within the greater nation of Germans but be marked as foreigners
and thus only enjoy the rights of such. 2) They may be deemed national minorities and given
their own autonomous states within a federal Germany where they will be able to exercise a
degree of autonomy over their own people. 3.) They may repudiate both their Jewish religion and
identity and assimilate into the German nation. Otto Strasser made it clear it should be up to each
individual Jew what he or she wishes to do.

2017-07-19 06:03:54 UTC  
