Message from @Revolutionary Nationalist

Discord ID: 337108683890622464

2017-07-19 05:41:32 UTC  

along with national confederalism

2017-07-19 05:42:31 UTC  

What's strasserite?

2017-07-19 05:42:59 UTC  

The brownshirts before they got purged by Hitler for being too socialist

2017-07-19 05:43:23 UTC  

Lead by a man named Otto Strasser who tried to kill Hitler on multiple occasions

2017-07-19 05:43:36 UTC  

Lemme Google then

2017-07-19 05:43:40 UTC  


2017-07-19 05:43:45 UTC  

Wikipedia article on it is garbage

2017-07-19 05:43:50 UTC  

don't believe the propaganda

2017-07-19 05:44:11 UTC  

I can explain it to you if you want

2017-07-19 05:44:39 UTC  

Since I've actually read Strasserite theory

2017-07-19 05:45:17 UTC  

What is the ideaology?

2017-07-19 05:46:32 UTC  

They believe in removing private land through what they call "usufruct". The state would own all land. The german Stock market would also be eliminated.

2017-07-19 05:46:44 UTC  

give me a second and I'll go into further detail after I take a piss

2017-07-19 05:47:00 UTC  

I'm pretty plastered but I understand Strasserite theory pretty well

2017-07-19 05:48:27 UTC  


2017-07-19 05:48:30 UTC  


2017-07-19 05:48:58 UTC  

Otto Strasser was a member of the Nazi party back in the 20's and early 30's

2017-07-19 05:49:03 UTC  

along with his brother Gregor

2017-07-19 05:49:19 UTC  

Does Nihilism count as far left or right?

2017-07-19 05:49:21 UTC  

They had a heavy influence on the brownshirts at the time

2017-07-19 05:49:33 UTC  

@Various Communist Penguins#6583 depends on how you interpret it

2017-07-19 05:49:58 UTC  

They took the socialist aspect of national socialism very seriously

2017-07-19 05:49:58 UTC  


2017-07-19 05:50:32 UTC  


2017-07-19 05:50:48 UTC  

They saw Hitler as betraying the socialism inherent in the ideas of national socialism since the 25 points of national socialism called for the communalizalition of land the nationalization of heavy industry

2017-07-19 05:51:18 UTC  

Was there occrunce of a democratic country having only one party without that party eliminating the other parties?

2017-07-19 05:51:31 UTC  

What do you mean?

2017-07-19 05:51:48 UTC  

Like it had multiple parties beforehand

2017-07-19 05:52:03 UTC  

But slowly all of them got disbanded

2017-07-19 05:52:05 UTC  

Well before the rise of the Nazis there were multiple parties, yes

2017-07-19 05:52:10 UTC  

And only one remained

2017-07-19 05:52:21 UTC  

But the Straserites were faction within the nazi party that were hard core socialists

2017-07-19 05:52:31 UTC  

That eventually got killed off by the traitor hitler

2017-07-19 05:53:21 UTC  

Anyway, in 1934, Hitler ended up killing off the Strasserites and limting the power of the brownshirts during what was called the "night of the long knives"

2017-07-19 05:53:32 UTC  


2017-07-19 05:53:46 UTC  

Because he was backed by industrialists who didn't like the fact that he had so many socialists in his party

2017-07-19 05:54:05 UTC  

During this purge Otto Strassers brother "Gregor Strasser" was killed

2017-07-19 05:54:38 UTC  

Otto Strasser had left the Nazi party prior to that because he knew what was going to happen

2017-07-19 05:54:48 UTC  

Is the National Democratic party in Germany really national socialist?

2017-07-19 05:54:58 UTC  

not sure about that