Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 344420672778534913
hardly black lagoon is all I'm saying
Disproportionate faces
one on the left is half alright
but is a manlet
probably 12 tbf
He is a champion of Olympics I think.
>allowing communists into the olympics
>when you set out to create an ideal paradise, 70 years later it collapses. And all talented individuals and people with half a brain leave the country as a result of the shitfest it created
>imblying capitalist nations don't experience brain drains for a multiplicity of reasons
>believing something someone wrote on the internet
>believing statistics written by the soviet union themselves at a time of intense rivalry and dick measuring
>99% literacy rate, nuff said
@Deleted User Children near the North pol were taken by helicopters to school.
not sure of the exact numbers, but high literacy rates in the Soviet Union are typically accepted by critics and supporters; it was necessary for state-funded propaganda
not really necessary under monarchism
>people from the north pole were taken by helicopters to arrive at their free education
wow the state must have had so much money to hand around
>successfully seized the means
>no money
what the fuck is this chat even about
lefty shit
and the artist formerly known as socialism
i see
theres a difference between high rates of literacy and 99%
possibly the most bs statistic i have read in a while
sure, I think the Tsarist rates were about 18% tho, still a substantial increase
especially considering a lot of the population had a poorer standard of life compared to their western counterpart
It was an inevitable increase
a fascist state could've done so
nothing exclusive to communism
😄 Interesting, but even official US propaganda didn't deny literacy. Not even in a dream.
>even us propaganda didn't deny 99% literacy rate
>children being flown from the north pole to school in helicopters
>russian children having enough food to feed themselves
so you guys just post to a message board and meme about isms?