Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 356353654011461633
just tell me, do u hate or not
A good deal.
@Firefly#9983 can you answer a simple question?
A small price must get more pricie
How come is such a small price?
He thinks emotions are a good way to understand the world.
well shit...
why was i even trying, then
so, err, i still didnt get my answer from firefly
i see, because of communism she's extra small
and thin
Just for Lybia European nation that took part in its destruction must be drafted to work 40h a week for another 50 years. All men must be drafted.
I don't count other nations even.
Pay every penny back.
you do realize that because lybia's bank wasnt controlled by rothschild, it was destroyed and the ''dictator'' gadaffi was overthrown and now the banks in lybia are controlled by rothschild and basically lybia is falling apart as we speak
@Deleted User every nations resources that took part. Every men that allowed it's government to make it happen must be drafted for the rest of his life.
problem is, rothschilds silently took over our countries by taking over media and tleling us bullshit 24/7, then they took over banks, then they took over the movie production to make apsolute propaganda and remodel people's views to their desire, and after all worked out in their favor, the country that they did all of that is in their control.
@Deleted User All responsible for giving up their power.
Passive individual shall be drafted.
another problem is that the jew disguises as one of us, and shuts anyone down who knows about them, or even kills them, if you dont know about soros and rothschild, then your level of knowledge is about as low as they'd want it to be
@Deleted User You always responsible. Not anybody else.
im not responsible for anything
I see that
they've started the end of civilization at the end of the french revolution
which is in 18th century
Right-wing needs daddy to take care of them because no responsibility
Ultimate cuckolds
and now, the last countries that arent controlled by the rothschilds are iran, north korea, and syria, and considering that the jews control most of the media, they'll make up the worst lies ever in order to make people believe that iran, north korea, and syria are some terrible dictatorships
you've probably heard about syria killing their own people, bullshit i tell you, bullshit. there isnt any proof of that
Best daddy is a sky daddy
Do you believe in god?
you've probably heard about north korea launching nuclear bombs, bullshit again, there hasnt been any proof of this either