Message from @sleeping zzz

Discord ID: 364170931440189440

2017-10-01 21:56:18 UTC  

I guess you have to distinguish between individual behavior and mass behavior since it really makes the difference between a human and an animal

2017-10-01 21:56:29 UTC  

I want you to read what I'm about to say in full before you reply

2017-10-01 21:56:32 UTC  

Being passive aggressive and presenting zero arguments will not make anyone think you are correct.

I have said five times now that Jews are not a collective with the exact same mindset. I've said that Zionist supremacy, that is, nepotism and subverting other groups exists on a societal level and a religious level. Their religion literally teaches them that gentiles are beasts who were given human form so they could serve them better.

Is the nepotism racial? Innate? I never said that. I did however say that homogeneity is natural and normal, which it is.

You seem unable to grasp the concept of one group wanting to be better than other groups. You have however said that *white* people do this, before backtracking because you realised you'd made a massive hole in your argument.

You have consistently called me names, insisted that you've "won" and so forth. I'm not surprised but you need to understand this childish, vitriolic behaviour may be linked to your surface level, simplistic worldview and your demoralised programmed mind which makes facts completely inaccessible to your mind. This is common with communists or 'useful idiots' as they are often called by those subverting them. Perhaps this video will help you to better understand things, though at this stage I find it unlikely.

2017-10-01 21:57:08 UTC  

@Deleted User You probably see it that way because there's social forces acting on them in the same manner, as a group.

2017-10-01 21:58:18 UTC  

I don't think this is completely genetic, and even if it was, genes aren't directly tied to any one group of people, and we can see many different people of different races assimilating.

2017-10-01 21:58:53 UTC  

Even without "social forces", when you just study what people do as individuals when they encounter a particular situation and do this with a large sample size, you'll see how much alike they really are.

2017-10-01 21:59:15 UTC  

Physical attributes are glaring and genetic but IQ and mental characteristics are all completely the same even though we all evolved in radically different climates

2017-10-01 21:59:41 UTC  

A lot of studies on psychology go out of their way to capture individual's decisions without social influence.

2017-10-01 22:01:01 UTC  

@Seedle Being passive aggressive and presenting zero arguments will not make anyone think you are correct.

I have said five times now that Jews are not a collective with the exact same mindset. I've said that Zionist supremacy, that is, nepotism and subverting other groups exists on a societal level and a religious level. Their religion literally teaches them that gentiles are beasts who were given human form so they could serve them better.

Is the nepotism racial? Innate? I never said that. I did however say that homogeneity is natural and normal, which it is.

You seem unable to grasp the concept of one group wanting to be better than other groups. You have however said that white people do this, before backtracking because you realised you'd made a massive hole in your argument.

You have consistently called me names, insisted that you've "won" and so forth. I'm not surprised but you need to understand this childish, vitriolic behaviour may be linked to your surface level, simplistic worldview and your demoralised programmed mind which makes facts completely inaccessible to your mind. This is common with communists or 'useful idiots' as they are often called by those subverting them. Perhaps this video will help you to better understand things, though at this stage I find it unlikely.

2017-10-01 22:01:28 UTC  

I don't see how that helps you case of mental characteristics being racial, or even particularly being true.

2017-10-01 22:01:49 UTC  

Just read what I wrote

2017-10-01 22:02:48 UTC  

It is fairly common within geneology to realize that genes do influence behavior, as we understand it, through a sort of "filter" with the lean being more towards the nurture side than the nature side.

2017-10-01 22:03:18 UTC  

Hi, I am Mr blue. My friends are also Mr blue. They are like me, I am like them. I prefer this group over other groups because, shockingly, evolution has made me hard-wired to be drawn to people that are similar to me! I love this group. I will make this group the best group (nepotism, homogeneity), I like it better than other groups so I will treat it better!

2017-10-01 22:03:41 UTC  

^ impossible

2017-10-01 22:04:42 UTC  

"I have said five times now that Jews are not a collective with the exact same mindset"
"Their religion literally teaches them that gentiles are beasts who were given human form so they could serve them better. "
"Is the nepotism racial? Innate? I never said that. I did however say that homogeneity is natural and normal, which it is. "

2017-10-01 22:04:50 UTC  


2017-10-01 22:04:55 UTC  

Yeah their religion does,

2017-10-01 22:04:58 UTC  


2017-10-01 22:04:59 UTC  

>still trying to argue with retards

2017-10-01 22:05:13 UTC  

You're pretty much right Olev.

2017-10-01 22:05:16 UTC  

@olev amazing argument fellow communigger

2017-10-01 22:05:19 UTC  

It's not their fault even.

2017-10-01 22:05:32 UTC  

Seedle you should join my server

2017-10-01 22:05:38 UTC  

They literally believe a useful lie German industrialists used to take the NSDAP over.

2017-10-01 22:05:40 UTC  

"Hey my friend in my echo chamber agrees with me, I guess I'm not actually wrong haha'

2017-10-01 22:06:05 UTC  

Seriously though holy shit I want a genuine counter to this

2017-10-01 22:06:06 UTC  

wait I thought we're gasing people because of their long noses and evil plots and not because of the Talmud

2017-10-01 22:06:26 UTC  

Hi, I am Mr blue. My friends are also Mr blue. They are like me, I am like them. I prefer this group over other groups because, shockingly, evolution has made me hard-wired to be drawn to people that are similar to me! I love this group. I will make this group the best group (nepotism, homogeneity), I like it better than other groups so I will treat it better!

Being passive aggressive and presenting zero arguments will not make anyone think you are correct.

I have said five times now that Jews are not a collective with the exact same mindset. I've said that Zionist supremacy, that is, nepotism and subverting other groups exists on a societal level and a religious level. Their religion literally teaches them that gentiles are beasts who were given human form so they could serve them better.

Is the nepotism racial? Innate? I never said that. I did however say that homogeneity is natural and normal, which it is.

You seem unable to grasp the concept of one group wanting to be better than other groups. You have however said that white people do this, before backtracking because you realised you'd made a massive hole in your argument.

You have consistently called me names, insisted that you've "won" and so forth. I'm not surprised but you need to understand this childish, vitriolic behaviour may be linked to your surface level, simplistic worldview and your demoralised programmed mind which makes facts completely inaccessible to your mind. This is common with communists or 'useful idiots' as they are often called by those subverting them. Perhaps this video will help you to better understand things, though at this stage I find it unlikely.

2017-10-01 22:06:42 UTC  

"You have consistently called me names"

2017-10-01 22:06:42 UTC  

nigger don't spam

2017-10-01 22:06:45 UTC  


2017-10-01 22:06:51 UTC  

>the useful idiot hasn't even watched the video

2017-10-01 22:07:02 UTC  

@Seedle yeah ad homs mean you're right

2017-10-01 22:07:20 UTC  

HAHA UR A FUCKING AUTISTIC RETARD LOL OL actually I am an intellectual

2017-10-01 22:07:32 UTC  


2017-10-01 22:07:36 UTC  

I've watched that video. It's not even relevant to what you're saying aside from the fact that it's about ideological subversion tactics from the KGB.

2017-10-01 22:07:43 UTC  

>if you don't let me throw ad-hominems at you all day you're a little pussy and I will mock you with a crying emoji

2017-10-01 22:07:56 UTC  

@Seedle and how you are so amazingly unable to comprehend logic

2017-10-01 22:08:13 UTC  

>How are you amazingly unable to comprehend retardation

2017-10-01 22:08:16 UTC  

@Seedle now go back and present a genuine counter to everything I said or just quit while you're behind

2017-10-01 22:08:16 UTC  

I don't know.