Message from @Kurt Sturm

Discord ID: 372966250642669580

2017-10-26 04:26:26 UTC  

Mmm this is another thing, the Left has little to no media

2017-10-26 04:26:38 UTC  

I think I know a decent amount of things though

2017-10-26 04:26:53 UTC  

I haven't been socialist for a very long time either

2017-10-26 04:26:57 UTC  

Precisely the reason I thought I'd start a news site for far-left news in general

2017-10-26 04:27:14 UTC  

Actually if you'd check out the homepage and give some tips I've only finished that

2017-10-26 04:27:24 UTC  

I enjoy web design but outside opinions are appreciated

2017-10-26 04:27:31 UTC  


2017-10-26 04:28:04 UTC  

Let me get it real quick, I'm building it on Wix and they have their own special links to use before buying a link

2017-10-26 04:28:06 UTC  


2017-10-26 04:28:55 UTC  

This ought to work

2017-10-26 04:29:30 UTC  

It looks nice

2017-10-26 04:29:37 UTC  

Strange, I've updated it since the way this link is showing

2017-10-26 04:29:47 UTC  

I'll have to figure this out

2017-10-26 04:30:08 UTC  

Thanks though

2017-10-26 04:31:13 UTC  

My computer isn't the most powerful, I'm saving up at the moment to upgrade it then I'll launch. Until then I'm semi-limited simply by my ability to actually do things such as video editing (I'd like to have a Youtube side of the site) and what not

2017-10-26 04:31:25 UTC  

Just loading Wix on this computer takes an hour kek

2017-10-26 04:33:12 UTC  

What type of communist are you?

2017-10-26 04:34:33 UTC  

Tbqh, I actually identify to most people as a socialist because I have doubts about how long it would take to actually secure statelessness so don't want to mislead people with stating I'm a communist.

2017-10-26 04:34:39 UTC  

Could take hundreds of years tbh

2017-10-26 04:34:43 UTC  

But I'm a Leninist

2017-10-26 04:35:16 UTC  

The state would disappear once it's no longer necessary

2017-10-26 04:35:52 UTC  

Yeah but my question is how long would it be necessary and there I have my concerns.

2017-10-26 04:36:03 UTC  

The idea is that the proletariat will be active and conscious

2017-10-26 04:36:42 UTC  

Mmm, but I think some sort of governing body will always be required

2017-10-26 04:36:50 UTC  


2017-10-26 04:37:13 UTC  

And I don't want to be dishonest in that this would be statelessness, because this in itself would be some form of a state still

2017-10-26 04:37:38 UTC  

So I'm somewhere between a communist and socialist

2017-10-26 04:37:41 UTC  

Well governance isn't necessarily a state

2017-10-26 04:38:17 UTC  

The only purpose I see the state as being for is to organize

2017-10-26 04:38:28 UTC  

It wouldn't really need to act as policing

2017-10-26 04:38:34 UTC  

This is true. I suppose my opinions on the topic are still developing honestly.

2017-10-26 04:38:43 UTC  

I really need to read more

2017-10-26 04:39:04 UTC  

I've had my days filled with work lately though.

2017-10-26 04:39:38 UTC  

I oughta get to bed, night brother

2017-10-26 04:39:50 UTC  


2017-10-26 05:07:42 UTC  

ayy lmao

2017-10-26 05:28:09 UTC  

How nazis should be

2017-10-26 05:28:45 UTC  


2017-10-26 05:33:33 UTC