Message from @[Imperialist Loli]
Discord ID: 374005613509738497
rinnek was great
rommel not rinnek
rommel was a genius
So basically chad you read 3 volumes that as you claimed you had to study each page
why you lying?
blonde hair 17 years what more could we want?
@Trve Metalist No not Marx I just said he wrote like the 57 page PDF
Simple enough to understand immediately
To the point, I think his ideas for the most part were misguided
He didn't understand a lot of cause and effect relationships that ocurred
For example, in his writing *on the Jewish Question* instead of attributing Jews' being shitheads to doctrine/culture he instead attributes this to being a sign of the times
Which is incorrect, rabbis act like they do because of doctrine
AKA the Talmud/Zohar
Personally I think this is because he consulted people who may have lied to him about the whole thing. Perhaps rabbis even though Marx understood the rabbis and them being pieces of shit
Jewish community at that time especially was very Rabbi-archal so to speak
Regular Jews were uneducated mongs leashed around, secular Jews were businessmen and userers who still sucked up, and rabbis were the learned manipulators
They haven't changed much :^)
I am uneducated when it comes to them.
@[Imperialist Loli] They're not nice people
I live and work around a places that have quite a few Jews. Rudest people you'll ever meet at least where I'm from.
They have a distinct superiority complex
Oh wow
That's pretty dumb.
inb4 Diesel says "HURR ITS DUMB /pol/ PROPAGANDA" before seeing the proofs section that every /pol/ infograph tends to have
holy shit
thats a lot of jews
and 3 corrupt media outlets
There's also a lot of convert bloods and halfbreeds that have a secular or anti-Jew cultural outlook on things. Personally I believe these such to be 'savable' but I'm pretty at odds
Like the owner of this Discord. He is so obviously not a cultural kike but for some reason takes pride in his "jewish roots"
And Marx
And Brother Nathaniel
Im gonna open that so I can properly read it hang on
why do jews own so much of american companies?