Message from @naminho da silva

Discord ID: 374271925335228418

2017-10-29 19:01:39 UTC  

Ethnicity means culture

2017-10-29 19:01:42 UTC  

You mean race

2017-10-29 19:01:43 UTC  

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little /leftypol/ btfo thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" spongebob gif, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on leftypol posting about a fucking black book. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic /pol/fag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "HUNDRED GORILLION HUNDRED GORILLION HUNDRED GORILLION" You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

2017-10-29 19:01:44 UTC  


2017-10-29 19:01:46 UTC  

So the abolition of value form and syndicates?

2017-10-29 19:02:12 UTC  

@naminho da silva Typical /leftycunt/ has nothing original

2017-10-29 19:02:16 UTC  

the abolition of hierarchy

2017-10-29 19:02:18 UTC  

the abolition of class

2017-10-29 19:02:21 UTC  

Just took an old copypasta from /pol/ and flipped it

2017-10-29 19:02:26 UTC  

>that pasta

2017-10-29 19:02:29 UTC  

>from /pol/

2017-10-29 19:02:31 UTC  

kill yourself

2017-10-29 19:02:31 UTC  

you tard, understand your own ideas.

2017-10-29 19:02:32 UTC  

Batko does the same thing

2017-10-29 19:02:33 UTC  

Don't worry

2017-10-29 19:02:33 UTC  

I saw @[Imperialist Loli] at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

2017-10-29 19:02:40 UTC  
2017-10-29 19:02:46 UTC  

It legitimately came from there

2017-10-29 19:02:47 UTC  

you have to be literally fuckign retarded to think a /b/ pasta from like 2008 is from /pol/

2017-10-29 19:02:53 UTC  


2017-10-29 19:03:00 UTC  


2017-10-29 19:03:02 UTC  


2017-10-29 19:03:04 UTC  

pick one

2017-10-29 19:03:05 UTC  


2017-10-29 19:03:06 UTC  


2017-10-29 19:03:10 UTC  


2017-10-29 19:03:11 UTC  

That one's pretty recent

2017-10-29 19:03:12 UTC  

Copypastas eh?

2017-10-29 19:03:13 UTC  

Ein Schifflein sah ich fahren,
Kapitän und Leutenant!
Darinnen waren geladen
Drei brave Kompanien Soldaten.

Kapitän, Leutenant, Fähnerich, Sergeant,
Nimm das Mädel,
Nimm das Mädel bei der Hand!
|: Soldaten, Kameraden!
Nehmt das Mädel,
Nehmt das Mädel bei der Hand! :|

Was sollen die Soldaten trinken,
Kapitän und Leutenant?
Den besten Wein, der zu finden,
Den sollen die Soldaten trinken!
Kapitän, Leutenant . . . . .

Wie kommen die Soldaten in'n Himmel,
Kapitän und Leutenant?
Auf einem weißen Schimmel,
Da reiten die Soldaten in'n Himmel.
Kapitän, Leutenant . . . . .

2017-10-29 19:03:18 UTC  

Like maybe 2013 at the earliest?

2017-10-29 19:03:24 UTC  

the bane pasta is just an alteration of the banana pasta from /b/

2017-10-29 19:03:28 UTC  

I wouldn't know I don't archive and date copypasta

2017-10-29 19:03:31 UTC  

"copypastas eh?" god that was autistic

2017-10-29 19:03:35 UTC  

>loses the argument

2017-10-29 19:03:38 UTC  

nothing personal kid

2017-10-29 19:03:43 UTC  

>"haha i dont care aksually"

2017-10-29 19:03:44 UTC  

Ein Schifflein sah ich fahren,
Kapitän und Leutenant!
Darinnen waren geladen
Drei brave Kompanien Soldaten.

Kapitän, Leutenant, Fähnerich, Sergeant,
Nimm das Mädel,
Nimm das Mädel bei der Hand!
|: Soldaten, Kameraden!
Nehmt das Mädel,
Nehmt das Mädel bei der Hand! :|

Was sollen die Soldaten trinken,
Kapitän und Leutenant?
Den besten Wein, der zu finden,
Den sollen die Soldaten trinken!
Kapitän, Leutenant . . . . .

Wie kommen die Soldaten in'n Himmel,
Kapitän und Leutenant?
Auf einem weißen Schimmel,
Da reiten die Soldaten in'n Himmel.
Kapitän, Leutenant . . . . .

2017-10-29 19:03:44 UTC  

The plane scene from batman?

2017-10-29 19:03:50 UTC  

throw it in le garbage

2017-10-29 19:04:00 UTC  

communists are pros at losing arguments

2017-10-29 19:04:06 UTC  

>said the weebshit