Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 378188053505638401
I'm not gay, man. That ain't me. I'm just comfortable with my sexuality
Are you actually gay, or is that a meme
I ask myself the same question on a daily basis
Also, is that horn glowing with magic, or covered by a blue condom?
magic, kek
I can't tell if that pony is about to do a spell or about to ram a horn up someone's ass
The face could match either
My OC? why not both *lenny face*
so no ones even talking about the leftpol drama then?
What leftypol drama
BO encouraging a split
Chairman BaO?
@羅大哥toni Nope.
owo what is this
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Kikinecka#7185 has been warned.***
thot begone
@Chalin you are a midget among men
Wut dis?
O w O
Asking for a friend
Delet this
I don't know if this server has a place for that stuff
this chat is nsfw
I don't think so
There are no rules posted 🤔
It's nsfw but it doesn't mean you can post pics of your dick...