Message from @Sn0w ❄
Discord ID: 378361601645871104
Even other Arabs I meet irl the first question they ask
Are you really Jordanian or Pali?
No all of you are too
It makes me sad
He created a Jewish province in Siberia and told the Zionsts that it was all theirs for the taking
A new holy land for them
“Are you really Jordanian so I can open up to you how much I hate palis”
Oh I was thinking about the camps he was setting up
I'm guessing they didn't buy it
@Su Eshlon? I have never heard bias against Palestinians. Maybe cause they flushed into Jordan and so it created issues. Otherwise, I don't know
No no we don’t really mind them but it’s there
I get asked by other Arabs
Some moved to it
It wasn't much of a success though
Was Stalin assassinated by Israeli agents?
And they’re nicer when I say I’m Jordanian and they start talking badly about palis
Didn't Stalin die of natural causes?
Triggers me
I heard he may have been poisoned but idk
Do you drink?
La ma ashrub. 7aram
Wikipedia says he had a brain aneurysm that wasn't instantly fatal
Maybe I should try it
Took two days for him to die
Do you know that Kuwaiti blogger
He was basically a vegetable for those last two days
She said that her mom is Jordanian
They had to spoonfeed him
He was 74 years old
And on the comments it was all noo she’s not really Jordanian she’s pali
Seems plausible that it was just natural causes
They’ve been here for ages
They talk like us
Act like us
But people tend to mean ethnically. Ya3ni ildem