Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 388265378788147202

2017-12-07 09:29:10 UTC

2017-12-07 09:30:51 UTC  

I don't get this 56% meme but also the idea of racial Purity is total nonsense

2017-12-07 09:33:58 UTC  


2017-12-07 09:34:36 UTC  

I like your hotline Miami avatar

2017-12-07 09:36:28 UTC  

Thank you, everday I work to emulate my idol Jake.

2017-12-07 09:38:29 UTC  

What are your political affiliations? Are you a leftist or someone from the new right? I am open to everyone's opinion really I am not one of those spergs who can't handle dissenting views

2017-12-07 09:39:30 UTC  

I am a fascist <:bour:313709044957315082>

2017-12-07 09:40:24 UTC  

Why do you I indentify with that and what led you to that position if you don't mind me asking?

2017-12-07 09:42:33 UTC  

I identify with it due to my political beliefs aligning the most with fascism. And I was led to it by learning about third positionism on the internet and realizing why my country was being destroyed.

2017-12-07 09:43:10 UTC  

I also tend to think fascism is rather I'll defined in western society and often used more as an insult rather than a political identity to most, so could you maybe explain your beliefs a bit?

2017-12-07 09:43:24 UTC  


2017-12-07 09:43:51 UTC  

Well economic wise I believe in guild corporatism.

2017-12-07 09:43:58 UTC  

I am pretty uninformed about third positionism

2017-12-07 09:44:48 UTC  

And social policy wise I think we should have a one party state with a defined hegemony.

2017-12-07 09:44:56 UTC  

What is that about? Guild corporatism

2017-12-07 09:45:19 UTC  

Racial hegemony or something else?

2017-12-07 09:45:43 UTC  

Political hegmony

2017-12-07 09:45:58 UTC  

Which would factor into economics and society

2017-12-07 09:46:31 UTC  

So one state ruled by a single part how does it differ from leftists who advocate a single party system?

2017-12-07 09:47:47 UTC  

Well it would be nationalized industry and the different facets of production, service etc would be formed into guilds.

2017-12-07 09:47:59 UTC  

With no capitalism or money

2017-12-07 09:49:08 UTC  

How do the guilds operate? I know a lot of leftist that Advocate nationalization of Industry but I assume it is different from a right perspective.

2017-12-07 09:49:37 UTC  

I also knew a lot of leftists who are against capitalism and markets with currency

2017-12-07 09:49:57 UTC  

It would be a meritocracy with the party overseeing it.

2017-12-07 09:50:22 UTC  

Well corporatism is third party so its neither right nor left.

2017-12-07 09:50:48 UTC  

So is it a command economy? Also how do guilds differ from unions?

2017-12-07 09:51:13 UTC  

I'm not well educated on the subject but I assume most fascists are considered part of the right

2017-12-07 09:51:22 UTC  

Guilds are controlled by the goverment but I guess they would be fairly similar to unions.

2017-12-07 09:51:32 UTC  

Fascism is third position

2017-12-07 09:51:44 UTC  

Its a rejection of right and left wing

2017-12-07 09:51:51 UTC  

But most people say its right

2017-12-07 09:52:01 UTC  

Why do you think people say that?

2017-12-07 09:52:46 UTC  

Because nazism is a form of fascist ideology. And people like to conflate nazism with the right

2017-12-07 09:53:06 UTC  

How does third position relate to Nazism?

2017-12-07 09:53:21 UTC  

Like what type of parallels do they have?

2017-12-07 09:53:54 UTC  

Nationalized economy for one. And a one party system

2017-12-07 09:54:27 UTC  

Nazism is like fascism but with occult germanism and ethnic hate thrown in.

2017-12-07 09:56:09 UTC  

Why do you think guilds are better than unions? Is the main difference between guilds in Union stat within guilds the people who run them are appointed by the state and in unions it is officials appointed by fellow workers?

2017-12-07 09:56:26 UTC  


2017-12-07 09:56:38 UTC  

Unions would try to gain more and more power

2017-12-07 09:56:43 UTC  

And would become mini states