Message from @Pretty Nero

Discord ID: 389230776878891010

2017-12-10 01:17:43 UTC  

Good and you're willing to go forward with the plan I described in my above posts?

2017-12-10 01:18:43 UTC  


2017-12-10 01:23:00 UTC  

Nobody cares about the plan, Gary.

2017-12-10 01:23:01 UTC  


2017-12-10 01:25:35 UTC  

@Pretty Nero How badly has /pol/ raided this server?

2017-12-10 01:32:48 UTC  

Hey I got an idea

2017-12-10 01:32:55 UTC  

How about we stop fucking with /pol/?

2017-12-10 01:33:32 UTC  

Hi 4/pol/

2017-12-10 01:33:50 UTC  

@outeast When /pol/ stops fucking with us, read the list of names on this server.

2017-12-10 01:34:12 UTC  

@Gary How are they fucking with you?

2017-12-10 01:34:52 UTC  

Its just a little counterespionage, they're not doing anything bad in this chat

2017-12-10 01:35:13 UTC  

We should focus on the real problems

2017-12-10 01:35:26 UTC  

>Tfw The link to this discord get's posted on /b/ and we get spammed with CP

2017-12-10 01:35:42 UTC  

And that's exactly what I'm doing as well ,an eye for an eye.

2017-12-10 01:36:09 UTC  

Them coming into this chat is a response to our aggressive behaviour

2017-12-10 01:36:17 UTC  

Sooner or later its going to come out

2017-12-10 01:39:34 UTC  

@outeast "Aggressive behaviour" Such as? Look at /leftypol/ right now, it was raided to death until it become a /pol/ 2.0.

2017-12-10 01:42:21 UTC  

@Gary there are some swastikas and pepes but it's not really that bad, also they seen to be only observing.

2017-12-10 01:42:53 UTC

2017-12-10 01:43:31 UTC  

@Gary Aggressive behaviour such as being aggressive to anyone remotely conservative on the entire net, now /pol/ has been flooded with lefties from tumblr and leftypol . It can't be anymore obvious.

2017-12-10 01:44:08 UTC  

pol dindu nuffin

2017-12-10 01:44:35 UTC  

Compared to leftypol, pretty much

2017-12-10 01:44:47 UTC

2017-12-10 01:45:22 UTC  

@outeast Lol what did leftypol do?

2017-12-10 01:45:24 UTC  

we stole a flag like 3 times

2017-12-10 01:45:33 UTC  


2017-12-10 01:45:40 UTC  

not this cuck shit

2017-12-10 01:45:54 UTC  


2017-12-10 01:46:16 UTC  

You spew out anti /pol/ propaganda like hell

2017-12-10 01:46:35 UTC  

This is all on you

2017-12-10 01:46:38 UTC  

leaked image of @outeast

2017-12-10 01:47:06 UTC  

the kike who cried muh six million

2017-12-10 01:47:22 UTC  


2017-12-10 01:47:23 UTC  


2017-12-10 01:47:24 UTC  


2017-12-10 01:47:33 UTC  

אוי אלוהים!

2017-12-10 01:48:04 UTC

2017-12-10 01:49:32 UTC  

>mfw anifafags realize they're the fasicts

2017-12-10 02:20:49 UTC  


2017-12-10 04:29:35 UTC some random person just dmed me this link post porn on it

2017-12-10 04:32:43 UTC