Message from @rflagg SC
Discord ID: 326883625385590784
There are two choices: Capitulation or War. Which way, White Man?
They want us gone
that implies we're just an inconvenience. It's worse than wanting us gone
media coverage in recent years proves it. They fucking hate us
Have you read the talmud?they consider us equal and lower to live stock.
I just joined today
My hero once said
The turning point for me came recently
I have been implicitly pro-white for awhile but just got redpilled on jews and hitler like a year ago exactly
Yeah a year ago I was a cucky alt lite civ nat
The only good thing about that is its easy for me to lead them to ethnonationalism now
The Greatest Story Never Told was something I watched all at once when I was bedridden with the worst fly of my life
The Greatest Story never told changed me alot
it was so bad it lowered by heart rate significantly
just me in that room, burning up with fever, watching all hours
i was still fledgling on the hitler question, but when i saw TGSNT i was 100% committed.
6 hours*
I have two friends of mine who are prospects, each one I'm easing closer to the JQ
that documentary will be the coup de gras
both are military history buffs so it's an easy transition
GSNT was big for me too
but those videos of his speeches - Impartial truth those were helpful as well
Im currently working on another convert. Hes another 16 year old Nathan as well lol.
the first video that really got me going was the classic "adolf hitlers warning"
Is he Texan
literally gives me goose bumps every time
Is that city here ?
east texas
Deep east
hes a good kid though
he has a fashy cut already
that's great, bring him around to us when he's ready