Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 398832122581876737
@Firefly That isn't an answer that is a question.
@Donitz Well shit, it ain't my fault if you cannot phrase a question properly.
I'm sad this chat don't ban for stupidity.
@Deleted User Why do Nazis hate snowflakes?
@Donitz Oh now that is an obvious troll attempt, I have seen that edgy meme done before.
@Donitz Like I said, I saw the troll attempt coming a mile away.
It was done better on even 4chan.
@Deleted User Not really a 'troll attempt' just a joke m8
@Donitz And your troll attempts are only becoming more obvious.
^big daddy putin
mestizos are subhumans
fuck mestizo
fuck communism
Thanks for telling me that, I'm suhuman.
@Deleted User u r a mestizo?
@Deleted User yes that's correct, I was born Macedonia.
do u support fascism?
i only hate fascist mestizos
like @nifty
I've got mixed ethnicity, I'm mostly Macedonian with mestizo ancestry.
i have no problem with mixed race people or meztizos, i only have problems with fascists
That's ok, I am not a Fascist. But, what would you do, if I was one?
i would say exactly what i said to @nifty
Sup babe.
what was that link in ur name?
@Deleted User Looks like we are going to have an issue then.
@Deleted User Do you want to answer my question today?
@LOAVE#1706 What question?
@Deleted User For the 6th time why have so few Nazis and Nazi officals claimed that the Holocaust didn't happen
You mean the ones that didn't go on the run, or commited suicide, and were captured and held at gunpoint the entire trial?