Message from @One Fire One Nail

Discord ID: 613196169451143169

2019-08-20 02:17:19 UTC  

bill gates is saying how boko haram destabuluzed the region, preventing treatment and killing off polio ones and gor all

2019-08-20 02:18:12 UTC  

a proffessor is going through the quran debunking rightwing claims of mohammed being a violent profit etc

2019-08-20 02:18:13 UTC  


2019-08-20 02:18:18 UTC  
2019-08-20 02:18:31 UTC  

i litteraly posted the quran in reply

2019-08-20 02:18:40 UTC  

i summarized with your level of simplicity

2019-08-20 02:18:55 UTC  

anyways, literally watch it

2019-08-20 02:19:18 UTC  

every house is a house of war

2019-08-20 02:19:31 UTC  

peace only for muslims and those that subjagate

2019-08-20 02:20:11 UTC  

>apostate prophet

2019-08-20 02:20:14 UTC  

2:191-193 Fight and kill unbelievers until “religion is Allah’s,” i.e. Islamic law rules all societies

“And slay them wherever you come upon them, and expel them from where they expelled you; persecution is more grievous than slaying. But fight them not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you there; then, if they fight you, slay them — such is the recompense of unbelievers, but if they give over, surely Allah is All-forgiving, All-compassionate. Fight them, till there is no persecution and the religion is Allah’s; then if they give over, there shall be no enmity save for evildoers.”

2019-08-20 02:20:38 UTC  

the peace islam speaks about is when ther ae no more unvelievers

2019-08-20 02:20:39 UTC  
2019-08-20 02:21:06 UTC  

@Deleted User you have yet to respond to the video

2019-08-20 02:21:44 UTC  
2019-08-20 02:21:50 UTC  

acts17apologetics 😂

2019-08-20 02:22:39 UTC  

People like you watch Contrapoints and Thought Slime

2019-08-20 02:22:40 UTC  
2019-08-20 02:22:47 UTC  

I’ll stick to acts17

2019-08-20 02:22:53 UTC  

no i watch emir stein center

2019-08-20 02:22:54 UTC  

you don't know what kind of person i am

2019-08-20 02:23:01 UTC  

because i don't watch either

2019-08-20 02:23:03 UTC  

its like PragerU but better

2019-08-20 02:23:09 UTC  

i ritualistically avoid political youtubers

2019-08-20 02:23:24 UTC  

history of islam speaks for it self

2019-08-20 02:23:30 UTC  

they all are stupid hobbyist philosophers and need to be tarred and feathered by the peoples army

2019-08-20 02:24:14 UTC  

that vid will be pulled soon

2019-08-20 02:24:16 UTC  

“People’s Army”

2019-08-20 02:24:29 UTC  

i reported it @Deleted User

2019-08-20 02:24:32 UTC  

or the channel will get killed, its a censored video

2019-08-20 02:24:40 UTC  

for hate speech

2019-08-20 02:24:48 UTC  

jews muslims and christians are all equally bad

2019-08-20 02:24:49 UTC  

fuck them

2019-08-20 02:24:50 UTC  

because thats a funny thing to do

2019-08-20 02:24:52 UTC  

i hate you

2019-08-20 02:24:56 UTC  

hindus and pagans as well

2019-08-20 02:25:02 UTC  
