Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 319995491209445376
^Holding a beautiful black baby
oh no look its the ACTUAL genocide the allies committed stealing grain reserves in Bengal in order to feed the soldiers tasked with destroying natsoc germany, the threat to international capital
you're so fucking stupid, it's unreal...even when i was dumb i wasn't as arrogant as you, you fucking idiot lololol
i bet you haven't even heard of the bryce report that was made to get america into world war one in exchange for the balfour treaty and the mandate of palestine leading tot he formation of know...the atrocity propaganda that was later apologised for where germans where accused of using gas chambers and turning people into soap in the 1910's
you fucking sanctimonious uneducated twot π
take half a red pill...a full one is too much for you, presently
if you carpet bomb a nation's infrastructure relentlessly from all sides and firebomb the civilian populaces in over 110 cities...the conditions in interment camps might decrease too....but who needs critical reason with you've got spoon fed magical thinking to keep you happy as a little ideologue?
I see the web is being's probably attendent to why ppl like me can't use fb...but you should look for the letter from kramer reporting a catastrophe at belsen , the camp dedicated to typhus victims where supplies couldn't get know...the famous pictures you think prove a maniacal german programme of genocide
@slack#7189 Some Russian beer is surprisingly good.
i would like to try it
@slack#7189 get it where you are. "Baltica" is exported to all countries I think.
I bought a yugoslavian parka for winter..surplus 20 euros...bargain...i figured it isnt offensive as all sides were wearing them. out of stock now, went fast. But we all know Wesley clark and nato concocted all that and his statement before bombing the serbian civillians was textbook " we no longer accept white ethnic states"... he is one of those Jews which you don't realise is Jewishm I suppose, as former chief of NATO
i can't german beer is too good and they have water purity laws to make sure it isn't toxic
but, if i were ever in Russia, i would certainly be very pleased at the opportunity to experience rusian beer....maybe i just go to a russian restaurant and try it out π
We need white genocide
So we need one thing
Mash or bash: Goebells edition
I would first bash him and then mash him into a potato
>ur fat
@Deleted User I agree
That thing needs its head cut off
Or at least a haircut
A commie
Fucking hippie
It looks like a weird ass hippie bird
When did the bird get a haircut and start wearing glasses?
@NiceFlopSprinkles when communism went mainstream
Fucking commies