Message from @WaitFor(You)

Discord ID: 338469419691016195

2017-07-22 23:54:04 UTC  

There's among people in suburbs areas a visceral hatred towards the State, yes, that's true, it's a minority, but it's a powerful minority and if the far-left groups want to make a revolution one day, they will have to use them

2017-07-22 23:54:18 UTC  

depends on what country you talk about

2017-07-22 23:54:22 UTC  

@Deleted User He does a good job. He is very good.

2017-07-22 23:54:30 UTC  

in the United states, canada and australia they are more than a minority

2017-07-22 23:54:40 UTC the suburbs?

2017-07-22 23:54:47 UTC  

Far Left politics have a long way to go in the United states

2017-07-22 23:54:50 UTC  

@WaitFor(You) No, not with muslims.

2017-07-22 23:55:17 UTC  

@WaitFor(You) If you have ever heard of the France's riots in 2005, you know what I mean

2017-07-22 23:55:18 UTC  

A "no go" zone isnt exclusive to muslims

2017-07-22 23:55:23 UTC  

By "more than a minority" I can't tell if you mean "number more" or "number less"

2017-07-22 23:55:27 UTC  

Far left politics will never reach the main stream in the US, bernie was a false prophet who was killed by hillary.

2017-07-22 23:55:30 UTC  

theres many cities in the US where the police will not go

2017-07-22 23:55:38 UTC  

Bernie sold us out

2017-07-22 23:55:49 UTC  

Jill Stein just wants money

2017-07-22 23:56:06 UTC  

A video about the "no-go zone" in France, you can skip the first minute, it's just stupid american "journalists" repeating "no-go zone" 😛

2017-07-22 23:56:18 UTC  

Its pretty depressing honestly, but i think Sanders' campaign was educational and he struck pretty well with suburanites

2017-07-22 23:56:30 UTC  

No go zones exist in the US

2017-07-22 23:56:35 UTC  

thats a fact

2017-07-22 23:56:37 UTC  

And hillary is obama if he was an 80 year old innoffensive woman who was brainwashed by CNN.

2017-07-22 23:56:38 UTC  

not an argument

2017-07-22 23:56:53 UTC  

Can you give me some examples of these no go zones

2017-07-22 23:57:21 UTC  

In San Francisco theres a neighborhood called the "tenderloin" district and the police do not do anything there

2017-07-22 23:57:32 UTC  

these zones happen to be where POC live

2017-07-22 23:57:34 UTC  

in all states

2017-07-22 23:57:36 UTC  

I lived a few blocks from the tenderloin

2017-07-22 23:57:36 UTC  

Gangs are an issue in big cities.

2017-07-22 23:57:39 UTC  


2017-07-22 23:57:40 UTC  

I'm not an expert in US politics but I think Compton is one of them, sorry if it's a cliché

2017-07-22 23:57:41 UTC  

I saw police there for sure

2017-07-22 23:57:50 UTC  

Compton is being gentrified

2017-07-22 23:57:56 UTC  

you really do not know the US do you?

2017-07-22 23:57:57 UTC  

Really ?

2017-07-22 23:57:58 UTC  

Compton is more than gentrified

2017-07-22 23:57:59 UTC  


2017-07-22 23:58:06 UTC  

the inner cities are being priced out

2017-07-22 23:58:12 UTC  

Detroit is probably the worst out of all of them.

2017-07-22 23:58:12 UTC  

even Detroit is pricing up

2017-07-22 23:58:14 UTC  

See: Boyle Heights

2017-07-22 23:58:16 UTC  

Aaaaah, I'm stuck in the 80s, sorry :p

2017-07-22 23:58:27 UTC  

Los angles might be the only one to conest that.