Message from @Fusion
Discord ID: 338483962127187968
doesnt mean it doesnt work
you would tell me the same thing
No system works ever because both will fail
Capitalism and communism both will fail
by that logic why have government at all
just make everything mcdonalds
and nuke people with mcnukes if a person steps too close to your house
I don't live in America I live in Canada which I advise you not to move too if you like money
Stay away from Ontario the prices for energy just will kill you
Ha ha ha every fucking time
Nuke canada tbh
aRe YoU a LeAf?
Canada is a sad, disappointing little country
Atleast we have clean air
Which unfortunately has a majority of stupid people in it
i mean i have been to winnepeg and it smells like shit
bad shit too
@Fusion Canada should have been taken by the US.
Canada is late stage liberal capitalism
enjoy competing with a slave class
I like my universal healthcare
lol canada is already pretty well intergrated
We have universal healthcare too
it's called Obamacare
free healthcare isnt communism
HA it's going away in front of your eyes
@Fusion Obama care is getting repealed.
I know
corporations rape your state
thank God
And with something worse too
canada has 5% corporate taxes