Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 344884955278475275
My hierarchy of delicious parts goes ass>thighs>tits>Genetalia
Tho the last one can be interchanged depending upon circumstances
^tfw unironically most productive discussion on leftypol discord
Would women be shared in a true communist society, like eskimau women
sorry bot
Didn't mean to yell
I'm not a leftist but I'd be fine with redistributing the pussy
Government issued gfs
Well I was thinking more like eskimaus whomst share wives and are polygamous , but I'm guessing that's more to do with their limited population and harsh winters and difficulty in finding mates that aren't taken
Just make polygamy legal and encouraged so no one has to be lonely and use their pocket pussy
Because idle horny men ing he desert create ISIS
our ancestors are crying
I'm sure
Which ones tho
Neanderthals wouldn't care as much z their focus was usually killing megareindeer with one blow and not getting their pelvis broken
But actual human ancestors probably would be
In any case . Do you guys think star trek os the closest thing to a post scarcity Marxist society
I can't think of better examples
it's intersectionalist as fuck, I know that much
Tru. I just feel like it's what Marx was goin for , with increased automation allowing is to explore the stars and work on higher pursuits of happiness rather than slave away doing work that can easily be done by machines and when most or all basic resource needs are met there's no necessity in resource warfare
now all we need to do is keep the Earth from internally self-destructing before we develop starships and Auto-Docs <:bour:313709044957315082>
War will still happen of course , you can't prevent conflict . But you can limit it or at least diminish it
By enabling an environment thatthat a lows for lel tiful resource sharing .
And yes
Well I thought of that too
If we ever got even close to FTL travel
There'd be many vested interests wanting to keep us grounded
Mainly oil Barron's and the fossil fuel industry as a whole that doesn't want to lose their monopoly , and religious fanatics whose fist night be questioned by alien life forms
We'd have terrorist attacks sabotaging scientific progress
Of it went public
All the big fish that don't want to be little fish Ina bigger pond
And the crazy self destructive basterds . I just want my Ghost in the Shell cyberpunk world
And a holodeck
And most imprtsbtly
Hot alien bitches
Life love and the pursuit of hot xeno bitches
@SocialistNecropolis#3575 When we are 100% dependant on machines and they control the fate of humanity, what do we do if they realize the futility of their existance and refuse to work for humanity?
Not to mention that the machines require rare metals and substances in order to manufacture them.