Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 374672004202102786
Really glad I decided to start re-reading it already
So many deep thoughts that I glossed over
`They were against everything—the nation—because they thought it was an invention of the “capitalistic” classes. I heard that constantly! They were against the Fatherland, as a tool of the privileged-class to exploit the workers; the authority of law, as a way to oppress the
working class`
Hitler realised the Marxists were equating the exploitation of workers by priveleged classes (something he agreed happened) with the authority of the law being in the same way "capitalistic"
`the schools, as an institution to train slaves and slave-owners; religion, as a means of stupefying the people so they could be exploited; morals, as a symbol of stupid, sheep-like patience; etc. There was nothing they didn’t drag through the mud.`
and of course a great way to top it off. It's true that people who think Marxism is a "science" obsess over it having to apply to EVERYTHING
@Etch Science that does not apply to everything in the universe is bad science.
>Implying that Allende was bad for hating (((them)))
>Implying nationalism and capitalism can work with each other
Holy fuck, Allende was based
Pinochet was hired by (((them))) to overthrow his government
Josip Broz Tito!!
Smrt fasizmu sloboda narodu!?
Whats worde
Children or the elderly
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The Skeleton Army is on your tail!
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Pvt. Corrosive#7783 has been warned.***
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Father Harraski#1148 was banned!***
you guys like my watch?
@Deleted User Silly lefties, neo nazism is where it's at. Now censor me.
Why am I not being told I am so offensive and politically incorrect and getting banned?
Your not correct now kys you biggot
You people are puppets of the Jew's.
Your a german
Nazi scum
I wish, Adolf Hitler was a good guy.