Message from @DoobyCooby

Discord ID: 604891301309317148

2019-07-28 04:17:03 UTC

2019-07-28 04:17:10 UTC  

Shit tier shading

2019-07-28 04:17:22 UTC  

But this is the study's findings

2019-07-28 04:17:39 UTC  

@Monolith i saw that vid

2019-07-28 04:17:45 UTC  

The similar result in 7 year olds can be explained by the wilsons effect which states genes take in more of the role as you age

2019-07-28 04:17:56 UTC  

By 18 your genes will have their full power

2019-07-28 04:18:05 UTC  

80% will be genetic

2019-07-28 04:18:12 UTC  

I haven't read it all yet, but this is the first thing I read on the wiki

2019-07-28 04:19:08 UTC  

wikipedia is a joke

2019-07-28 04:19:52 UTC  

Don't worry, I haven't immediately believed it yet. I'm still reading it all

2019-07-28 04:19:59 UTC  

@Monolith Watch the video I posted and then I'll watch that one

2019-07-28 04:21:09 UTC  

So they magically lost their iq? Or...

2019-07-28 04:21:10 UTC  

That's interesting

2019-07-28 04:21:12 UTC  


2019-07-28 04:21:24 UTC  

Magically lost their IQ lol

2019-07-28 04:21:25 UTC  

yes due to genetic influence increasing as they aged

2019-07-28 04:21:32 UTC  


2019-07-28 04:21:34 UTC  

wilson effect

2019-07-28 04:21:51 UTC  

So they indeed just so we are clear, thanos snapped their IQ, due to this effect.

2019-07-28 04:22:02 UTC  

ok that's nice cool maymay

2019-07-28 04:22:04 UTC  

apparently yes

2019-07-28 04:22:13 UTC  

Does this mean that international regret, thanos snapped theirs

2019-07-28 04:22:20 UTC  

may may or not i am just being jovial

2019-07-28 04:22:26 UTC  

but is that not what you are saying

2019-07-28 04:22:33 UTC  

that their iq went down

2019-07-28 04:22:34 UTC  

Thanos comes on in and snaps half their IQ away

2019-07-28 04:22:35 UTC

2019-07-28 04:22:55 UTC  

because science

2019-07-28 04:23:46 UTC  

see my main thing in this is this doesn't explains one issues that arise, like take a scientist just in general, Their kid could be as dumb as a brick.

2019-07-28 04:23:58 UTC  


2019-07-28 04:23:59 UTC  

It doesn't really explain how intelligence is something inherited

2019-07-28 04:24:02 UTC  

Not on average

2019-07-28 04:24:07 UTC  

hey man that IQ

2019-07-28 04:24:09 UTC  

It's called regression to the mean

2019-07-28 04:24:20 UTC  

You know fucking jack shit about intelligence research

2019-07-28 04:24:25 UTC  

and this is not even talking about the issues with IQ tests themselves which have people yay and nay for them.

2019-07-28 04:24:38 UTC  

IQ test predict postive life outcomes

2019-07-28 04:24:46 UTC  

Yes you get all your info from a big brained big boy on jewtube that made like 5 mlk videos, you are smart we get it.

2019-07-28 04:25:11 UTC  

>IQ test predict postive life outcomes

I am sure blacks would be very happy and have postive outcomes if they weren't shot at all the time

2019-07-28 04:25:15 UTC  

They've done studies where they sit kids down and have them study together for months and then have them rate each other on intelligence and then they IQ tested them