Message from @ACentralScrutinizer
Discord ID: 633669378532966410
yo yo yo
its mc @trizzz on the mic
*starts rapping about the colonial struggle for independence*
Classy text weird sentence meme
Ice cream
`Turkey Offensive: Kurdish-led administration says Syrian army will be deployed at Turkish border to repel Turkish aggression and "liberate areas" taken by Turkish army and rebels`
Assad and Kurds are now allies
Based Blizzard
Man, China is really cucking these corporations.
Google, Facebook… now Blizzard.
Literally bending to their will.
Really is epic
Where has communism ever actually worked?
Republican spain?
Technically? Nowhere, as the moneyless, classless, stateless never came into being.
It’s utopian
Coloquially? Seychelles.
republican spain what
what are you on about
Good question.
Although it is probably true communism has never really been tried
tried is a vague term
Well, according to the Marxist definition, I don’t think even socialism was tried.
As it means the common ownership of the means of production.
it's all semantics
mostly because "communism failed" or "it doesn't work" isn't an actual argument
it's too vague to be worth entertaining a discussion
its just something you can say that superficially sounds right