Message from @rflagg SC
Discord ID: 326885825205764097
he has a fashy cut already
that's great, bring him around to us when he's ready
one of my buddies is ready to be a father
it's changing his outlook on the state of things
2 months and his son his here
Two west coast people in the server
I already bought his kid a children's version of Beowulf, and was glad to learn it'll be paired with a children's King Arthur book my friend already bought
i leafed through them, both are legit
Help him raise that kid right
snap on him if he does some blue pilled shit
count on it
What's up men?
What's up
nothinh much
evening bud
So we have another new member in here right? I forgot his name since scrolling. Cody?
before i was redpilled on hitler I literally thought the NSDAP and hitler were like demonic and hitler escaped after the war and all that bozo
but when i saw this first video im about to link it totally opened my eyes
Growing quickly.
Curious question what's our views on degenerates like SO s
I felt the same
What is SO?
@rflagg SC my dad thinks Merkel and Hitler are related lol
this video still gives me goose bumps and it totally hooked me on hitler
I felt the same about Hitler also. I'll have to watch that video.
Sex offenders personally I hate them as much as jews
Jewish and Sex Offender are one in the same
Oooohhh execution in my opinion.
you know a point that got to me in the Greatest Story Never Told was the different depictions of the Reich high command's final days in the bunker, versus the Jews at Mosada
I like Hitler 's domestic policies not his war policies
imagine being Goebbels for instance and having to mercy kill your own children, so Marxist shits didn;t torture or rape them
the courage and agony of that
it's depicted as paranoid lunacy
I would send them to South America
And Change their names
I couldn't imagine doing that rflagg
The Russians did some really messed up stuff to the civilians no one said a world about that though