Message from @Prometheus

Discord ID: 645536672972537889

2019-11-17 01:33:33 UTC  

Did you just

2019-11-17 01:33:39 UTC  

Unironically use XD

2019-11-17 01:33:42 UTC  


2019-11-17 01:33:43 UTC  


2019-11-17 01:33:46 UTC  


2019-11-17 01:33:54 UTC  


2019-11-17 01:33:59 UTC  

yes....................i did

2019-11-17 01:38:08 UTC  

I cringed

2019-11-17 01:38:24 UTC  

<( '.'<) <( '.' )> (>'.' )> cringe away

2019-11-17 01:38:35 UTC  

>: D

2019-11-17 01:38:50 UTC  

now that i know it bugs you expect to see a lot of it

2019-11-17 01:39:03 UTC  


2019-11-17 02:38:00 UTC  


2019-11-17 08:06:25 UTC  

@Puppet Master Just by saying someone is a drunk or any other condition doesn't deny the fact of what Stanhope is saying, just so you know.

Also someone had the audacity to delete what I wrote about IQ long before, recently I got into the argument again, I was planning to use it here. I am sick of arguing about it again and again.

So I'll write it again myself, so all of you can see once more.

About the current IQ studies that are coming out, they have a certain political purpose and not fully scientific and I'll point that out to you.

First the purpose of IQ is to measure your intelligence to see how capable you may be to various skills which may require higher competency, It doesn't co-relate anything else, and there are various forms of intelligence, not just limited to IQ.
IQ tests is one viable means of measuring intelligence and has no other particular purpose, unlike the racism or racial superiority that is being posed again and again. Which is false
IQ differs so much on an individual basis between people of similar races so significantly that it hardly really matters if you account it to race.
Also you completely ignore social conditions to be a factor to the increase of IQ, which is highly a major factor. It effects IQ greatly and allows certain competencies to develop more, which lead an in a certain mastery in a certain area.

Now in the current day and age certain IQ studies are now being used by certain individuals to justify real racism and I don't mean in Watered down version it's used today which is meaningless.

2019-11-17 08:06:36 UTC  

How, you might say? Well through defining certain IQ and capacity for certain people, you intentionally exclude them out of the job market, without testing their skill and competencies first hand, also not to allow and find whether they even might have those through practical application, become as a means of legal segregation of a population.

Don't get me wrong the studies are an immense help to society, it easily solves the problem of finding people who may genetically more predisposed to doing something far better than anyone else. But it's more on individual basis than a racial one.

When Jordan Peterson or Sam Harris use IQ, it's proper for the right objective to find individual competencies and work that might suit you, and as a result that you might prosper and whole the society prospers.

But when people like Stefan Molyneux come and justify IQ for purely racial purposes, that is what I detest most deeply, and is racist.
Also you don't know whether the study is true or not, and you haven't done it yourself or reproduced it. Also you based your judgment

2019-11-17 08:08:54 UTC  

on faith of certain scientists, which isn't real proof to begin with.

2019-11-17 08:11:10 UTC  

Also imagine a certain circumstance where it would have been reversed, that Blacks had more IQ than Whites would that have been justified?
Wouldn't that in some sense feel biased to you?
Also would that matter, as long as you the do the work does it matter.

2019-11-17 08:11:23 UTC  

So you see what I am getting at here.

2019-11-17 08:11:41 UTC  

Again I'll bring Chomsky

2019-11-17 08:12:06 UTC  

since you might have missed that

2019-11-17 08:15:22 UTC  

Also this time even, I'll even include Jordan Peterson so you don't feel I'm showing bias on either side, whether it's the right or left.

2019-11-17 11:34:54 UTC  


2019-11-17 11:40:03 UTC  


2019-11-17 11:40:15 UTC  


2019-11-17 11:40:26 UTC  


2019-11-17 12:36:45 UTC  

@Ned Kelly why the doomer?

2019-11-17 12:36:56 UTC  

Jordan Peterson

2019-11-17 12:37:04 UTC  

oh lol

2019-11-17 15:10:13 UTC  

@Prometheus "First the purpose of IQ is to measure your intelligence to see how capable you may be to various skills which may require higher competency, It doesn't co-relate anything else, and there are various forms of intelligence, not just limited to IQ"
so then you admit that IQ measures how capable you are at various skills that require higher competency. so in other words those with lower IQs are less compitant. so if blacks have lower IQs then whites then because of their IQ they could never create the type of civilization whites create. thank you for supporting my point sir. yes there are different forms of intelligence but emotional intelligence is not going to help you build a city.

2019-11-17 15:10:16 UTC  

"IQ differs so much on an individual basis between people of similar races so significantly " similar races you say so not even the same race we are comparing "similar" races. what you say is actually false. even black kids adopted by whites and raised in white towns still end up with lower IQs on average. on top of that their brains are physically smaller. think about this, asians are lactose intolerant, blacks have smaller brains and thicker skulls and bones, native americans can not process alcohol like europeans. all of these races are so different on a genetic level and yet you think their brains magically all turns out exactly the same?
Fact is it is because of people like you that deny the existence of biological differences that exist between the races that black people can not get proper medicine that fits their genetics and so die at higher rates from things like heart disease then whites. your philosophy is literally killing black people. black people even complain that when they go on the same diets as whites they do not lose weight the same way. GENETICS!
see you have a knee jerk emotional response to this. the only reason you are against race realism is because you fear it will lead to racism. by ignoring IQ and genetic differences you condemn blacks to generations of receiving the wrong medicine and basically commit slow genocide. as long as blacks do not understand the differences between them and whites they will always blame their situation on whites and racism will never end.
noam chomsky literally made no real argument against IQs he just said "muh wracist wah nazi"
jordan peterson is not really right wing. he is more in the center but w/e. he also acknowledges how accurate IQ is.

2019-11-17 15:10:46 UTC  

DUNKED! SLAMMED! and other childish things

2019-11-17 15:11:32 UTC  


2019-11-17 15:12:41 UTC  

blacks were not oppressed in africa by whites before whites arrived so why did they not create great civilizations then? they had not been enslaved yet after all.

2019-11-17 15:23:44 UTC  

I like trains amf fire thrucks

2019-11-17 15:23:46 UTC  


2019-11-17 15:49:03 UTC

2019-11-17 16:19:00 UTC  

What are you, insane? Did you see those skulls of Black Kids yourself.
I am not ignorant of race realism, I understood it well when Richard Spencer explained it the first time. In fact was schooled by it.

You just playing denial on what I wrote

you seem to connect race with ideas and achievement without even understanding them properly how they came to be.

Again the Peterson didn't side with you, where does the notions and ideas come to western civilization which has many parts originating from the east, etc
you are just playing ignorance here.

You are ignoring the purpose of IQ tests too.
Are you so inferior that you need a mere paper to prove your worth.
You are pathetic, if you do this to yourself.
This justifies nothing, this chart
like I said you completely ignored social conditions, in the mix.
Haven't you ever wondered the most elite children have private tutors rather the average children who go to sub standard schools, which doesn't teach them much anyway.

Your point is not made, as you have not represented to me an accurate point why certain IQ of white is at a rise. Or the social conditions which led it to be.
Also your position on blind faith on some controversial scientists. Doesn't prove your point. A fringe is a fringe for reason because it's pseudo science.

I'll tell you if you have better living standards it's more likely for you develop more competency general to poorer blacks.

Now people always use Obama as an example to prove there point, that it's not race.

I'll use the best example, of Malcolm X. How the hell was he so intelligent? How did he achieve such immense intellect and wisdom. Not to mention the most highest form of character, I've seen in a very few men.
You tell me, was it genes? Was it social conditions? Or was it personal effort to improve himself?
Now you be the judge.

2019-11-17 16:19:15 UTC  

Also Malcolm X was practically the original examples of Black Nationalism before your White Nationalism came around knocking it door to be recognized.
How the hell did you guys lose to your identity
was it the Jews now?
Was it your own progress?
Well or was it your white incompetence, that's what it was.
All of a sudden all your progress, became your downfall, and now you return asserting your identity
like a nationalist clown.
All you have to prove your own superiority and worth is due some damned paper which you can't even read.

2019-11-17 16:22:14 UTC  
2019-11-17 16:29:25 UTC  

so we are resorting to insults now?
what are you, retarded? did you see those skulls of black kids yourself?
it is in fact a biological fact that blacks have denser bones than whites. this is science you idiot.
i am, just playing denial? i literally addressed every single one of your points.
achievement? if blacks had same intelligence as whites there is no excuse for them to have not developed great civilizations like the arabs and chinese did.
inferior? need paper to prove my worth? this is pathetic shaming language, no place for it in a debate.
ever wonder why people like Einstein dropped out of school but still became a genius? maybe education is not everything. you realise elite blacks have private tutors to right? you are the one dismissing everything.
malcome X was an idiot. he said if you see a good white man kill him before he turns bad. such high character. malcom x was a fucking moron.
i notice you chose to completely ignore the points i made before so let me repost them for you.
holy shit it took you forever just to type that?