Message from @Mairon
Discord ID: 578505139191545856
which one may I ask?
Occupied Sarawak, Malaysia
welcome to the crew, we have SIEGE and we have loli hentai
Anime, thats new
that was a shitpost
Do you accept Anime Fascists here?
I mean Fascists who are fine with Anime?
something something shills and redditfags have damaged amygdala something something cute aggression
Dude, almost every "NatSoc" is into tranny porn, why asking when you already know the anwser
Tyranny porn?
Never heard of it
transgender porn
not into it personally but I know the atomwaffles are
Traps are hot though
So you accept anime here?
nevermind we accept nazbol so yes
Are you tired of how Fascist Anime is often Sexualized with cute anime girls instead of men in it?
let me get a cap
What does that mean?
cap as in screencap
I have Some art that I made
We accept anything that doesn't violate ToS @Deleted User
Though i admit some mods get pissed off by certain ideologies and such
Nice heres one thing I made
Noice af
I like fascistic military uniforms
Heres another one