Message from @yul
Discord ID: 588714125115260933
Or is it a hamster? 🤔
@Deleted User Two words that for many mean much: «Rape» and «Nig.ger».
I've been to Kenya
But that's not nigeria
Yeah ik haha
Ive just been to that continent that's all but not near that country
Yeah definitely
@yul What would you say are your 3 most important memories from Kenya?
Probably helping villagers by teaching them about female hygiene and giving them some supplies, starting a fire with a stick, and having the villagers dance with us
It was a service trip
So it was for personal growth looking back on it and it mostly bandaided the situation and I prefer to help out in my own community so if my community is strong then they can help even more
@yul What you did may have changed the life for many for the better ☺️👍🏼
Maybe! I sure hope so!
Thank you!
I love you!
@luminous' You love @yul?
I also love Yul! ☺️✨
Hahaha aww thanks guys
I think you have a good heart Yul!
Hi Listy! How are you?
Morning guys
@yul Is female hygiene a matter of life and death in many parts of the world?
I don't think it's a matter of life or death. It's more of that it can cause many health problems in areas such as the Maasai tribes in Kenya where they practice female genital mutilation which will make women much more likely to get infections or die. Also girls have to miss school because of their periods since they're often forced to squat over holes instead of working or getting their education
So it isn't a horribly big deal but it is an issue that should be addressed
@yul I see. That would steel a lot of energy and time and well being for the women with those kinds of problems; infections etc.
I must admit I find female mutilation to be such a horrible thing.
Yep exactly. It's kind of a issue that isn't solved because of sexism in their culture and it causes their system to be less efficient.