Message from @☭ Anon ☭

Discord ID: 590634836100644915

2019-06-18 19:55:48 UTC  

I found it like a week ago

2019-06-18 19:56:10 UTC  

thanks anon

2019-06-18 19:57:07 UTC  

I’m sorry if I’m coming off as annoying or anything, I just think you’re on the right track and should learn this stuff

2019-06-18 19:57:39 UTC  

@☭ Anon ☭ Hey man, don't take any of the shit I say as personal. I love to argue over complicated stuff.

2019-06-18 20:00:44 UTC  

Wym? I was talking to Bard

2019-06-18 20:01:19 UTC  

are you familiar with Camus by any chance? @Crazed Shotgun

2019-06-18 20:01:37 UTC  


2019-06-18 20:02:14 UTC  

give this a quick read

2019-06-18 20:03:52 UTC  

Yeah I've heard of Absurdism, I think it's a bit out there but I'm an oddball

2019-06-18 20:04:25 UTC  

well what makes you say that? I’m curious

2019-06-18 20:04:38 UTC  

The universe as a whole cares very little about what we do, so there is no purpose to our actions.

2019-06-18 20:05:48 UTC  

This assumes that the universe is the final authority of purpose, which it clearly isn't. In a meaningless state of being, what you make of life is your purpose.

2019-06-18 20:06:02 UTC  

sounds epic

2019-06-18 20:06:30 UTC  

However, depending on your belief on whether or not fate is predetermined would influence your opinion on absurdity

2019-06-18 20:06:54 UTC  

Quantum Particles vs. Pilot Waves

2019-06-18 20:08:15 UTC  

To summarize, A quantum Particle can Act as either a particle or a wave, being in a state of superposition until it is observed.

2019-06-18 20:09:32 UTC  

A pilot wave is the concept that the outcome of the observation is a result of an outside force making the decision of the particle to behave like a wave or particle.

2019-06-18 20:11:11 UTC  


2019-06-18 20:11:43 UTC  

Well the universe is predetermined because everything is already set in motion, and follows a set of rules that govern their present and future behavior. Although we can’t measure it very accurately with our current knowledge of quantum mechanics, if the universe didn’t follow a set of rules then we wouldn’t be able to make predictions about the phenomena that we can measure, and the quantum world is inexplicably connected to the larger system which we can observe

2019-06-18 20:11:58 UTC  

If that makes sense

2019-06-18 20:12:06 UTC  

>da quantum world

2019-06-18 20:12:53 UTC  

Ye, the universe does have its own set of rules and whatnot

2019-06-18 20:13:41 UTC  

The smaller we look, the less the rules matter

2019-06-18 20:14:32 UTC  

On the elemental level, we know how atoms will react with one another, its is observable and replicable.

2019-06-18 20:14:59 UTC  


2019-06-18 20:15:16 UTC  

On the subatomic level however, it's harder to see if there is order.

2019-06-18 20:15:56 UTC  

we can't even pinpoint electrons atm iirc, we can only guess it's general area because dem nigs be moving so fast

2019-06-18 20:16:35 UTC  

I myself believe in an ordered universe and because of that, I believe in a supreme being that structured it so.

2019-06-18 20:16:53 UTC  

intelligent design and whatnot?

2019-06-18 20:17:05 UTC  

something like that

2019-06-18 20:17:26 UTC  

could be.

2019-06-18 20:19:54 UTC  

Well that can’t be verified. It’s a bit odd to speculate that an external immaterial being created the universe when the idea of the immaterial is itself something that is impossible to prove

2019-06-18 20:20:28 UTC  

Everything we can observe in the universe is the result of material processes

2019-06-18 20:21:11 UTC  

or natural processes if that is more clearly defined

2019-06-18 20:21:43 UTC  

Here is my counter, If all of the material in the universe was contained within the particle of the big bang, why did it explode into everything we see around us? there was nothing outside of it to act upon because it *was* everything.

2019-06-18 20:25:31 UTC  

I submit that either there was something other that must have acted upon it. You could argue that it was another super dense particle colliding but that would contradict the argument that it contained all matter. If you argue that the big bang didn't happen you have to explain background radiation and the expansion of the universe.

2019-06-18 20:27:24 UTC  

I say it was something outside the confines of reality, something other than what we could possibly comprehend since it is beyond matter itself.

2019-06-18 20:28:54 UTC  

Well, how could it be everything? I’m honestly not the most informed on this topic, but we discovered the Big Bang as we examined the effects of the expanding universe. It has to be expanding within something for this to make sense. There has to be something external, and also material, for this to make sense. The only way an a thing can be acted upon is through the force of another existing thing. It seems like a bit of a cop out to just assume god because we don’t know the explanation yet

2019-06-18 20:29:36 UTC  

but again I’m not the most knowledgeable on physics, so feel free to correct me

2019-06-18 20:33:27 UTC  

Im no expert but The leading theory of the big bang is that everything existed as a single point. Not just matter, but the dimensions themselves, including time. When the big bang occurred, all matter violently exploded and expanded from a central point and time was the resulting measure of expansion. This expansion was observed as what we now call "background radiation."