Message from @Valeska-ἑταίρα

Discord ID: 593628948445921336

2019-06-27 02:25:39 UTC  

As a person who's LGBT my community is utterly disgusting and gross and deserves a lot of what they get

2019-06-27 02:25:49 UTC  

that is why i care about climate change. life will absolutely survive.

2019-06-27 02:26:01 UTC  

but pretending climate change is an issue for the planet earth itself is nieve.

2019-06-27 02:26:03 UTC  

its us.

2019-06-27 02:26:08 UTC  

tbh Humanity will have to move out into space

2019-06-27 02:26:36 UTC  

Yeah but our anatomy is fucked because of it

2019-06-27 02:26:51 UTC  

You need hours of exercise to stay normal let alone bulk ip

2019-06-27 02:27:11 UTC  

@Valeska-ἑταίρα soon genetics will be another tool to the progress of life.

2019-06-27 02:27:26 UTC  

I don't like crispr and all that it scares me

2019-06-27 02:27:26 UTC  

its a shift in gear, from how far chemistry can take us to how far our minds can.

2019-06-27 02:27:42 UTC  

crispr is not without error.

2019-06-27 02:27:48 UTC  

but error is not always a bad thing.

2019-06-27 02:27:56 UTC  

I don't want designer babies

2019-06-27 02:28:11 UTC  

I don't want the rich to gain this power and control shit with super people

2019-06-27 02:28:11 UTC  

designer babies are a horrible idea.

2019-06-27 02:28:32 UTC  

but genetic engineering is an invaluble tool we cant just leave on the table.

2019-06-27 02:28:38 UTC  

if we dont use it, someone else will.

2019-06-27 02:28:42 UTC  

so we should use it right.

2019-06-27 02:29:12 UTC  

Or have a global campaign to fight it

2019-06-27 02:29:26 UTC  

look how well that turned out with nukes.

2019-06-27 02:29:30 UTC  

The only ways I could see it being used is very limited genetic problems

2019-06-27 02:29:34 UTC  

@Valeska-ἑταίρα cant have a child

2019-06-27 02:29:46 UTC  

this nibba has no uterus

2019-06-27 02:29:46 UTC  

@Conical (((oats))) please leave me alone

2019-06-27 02:29:54 UTC  

@Valeska-ἑταίρα then dont look at the problems it solves. look at what it allows us to do.

2019-06-27 02:29:56 UTC  

stop being a trap

2019-06-27 02:30:11 UTC  

for example, we can increase the genetic diversity of our agricultural bases.

2019-06-27 02:30:31 UTC  

We need more diversity of food

2019-06-27 02:30:38 UTC  

We need more local foods grown

2019-06-27 02:30:43 UTC  

disease is still absolutely, utterly dabilitating to our food production.

2019-06-27 02:30:51 UTC  

we load EVERYTHING with antibiotics.

2019-06-27 02:30:51 UTC  

Incorrect, jesus will come down to earth and take us all to heaven some day

2019-06-27 02:30:54 UTC  

Like in America have you heard of the hillbilly banana?

2019-06-27 02:31:01 UTC  

vegans destroy the enviornment by importing goods across the world

2019-06-27 02:31:05 UTC  

It's one of the best fruits ever

2019-06-27 02:31:10 UTC  

In America

2019-06-27 02:31:22 UTC  

It is like a creamy pudding like fruit

2019-06-27 02:31:29 UTC  

It's super sweet

2019-06-27 02:31:41 UTC  

And grows all over the Eastern seaboard

2019-06-27 02:31:48 UTC  

And parts of the Eastern Midwest

2019-06-27 02:31:53 UTC  
