Message from @Anticom LR
Discord ID: 278060507632762881
put something about protecting speaking events maybe?
Save your country and free speech from communist terrorists!
Protect your state's citizens and
save businesses from terrorism!
Begin serving your community in peace today!
Join now at
We are a peaceful organization, designed to
end violent groups like Antifa, who have
spread domestic terrorism worldwide and have
struck down many local businesses,
demonstrations, and acts of free speech from
the people.
We act in the name of free speech and
the protection of innocent civillians.
Begin community service to those you love, the country you love, the freedom you love!
ya, if we make it look like we would protect speakers like Milo and his fans more normies would side with us
@Anticom LR "We are a peaceful organization, designed to end violence from domestic terror groups who have spread fear worldwide and have attacked down many local businesses, demonstrations, and acts of free speech."
I gave it a crack
"And have destroyed many local businesses, and have silenced free speech" would be more powerful with that wording
@Moonman i like it
*get rid of the extra down in my edit
Communicating with businiess owners before a protest might be good PR
@MONARCH I like yours tbh
We are a peaceful organization, designed to end
violence from domestic terror groups who have
spread fear worldwide and have destroyed many
local businesses, demonstrations, and silenced
acts of free speech.
"We are a peaceful organization, designed to end violence from domestic terror groups who have spread fear worldwide and have attacked many local businesses, demonstrations, and acts of free speech."
@OneLessRed - TN The power of an English Teacher huh?
We are a peaceful organization, designed to end
violence from domestic terror groups who have
spread fear worldwide and have destroyed many
local businesses, cancelled demonstrations,
and silenced acts of free speech.
Moonman's wording is better for last sentence imo
Use of one verb
@Anticom LR much better, just get rid of the violence
"attacked... acts of free speech"
@MONARCH Not mentioning Antifa as suggested
We are a peaceful organization, designed to end
violence from domestic terror groups who have
spread fear worldwide and have attacked many
local businesses, cancelled demonstrations,
and silenced acts of free speech.
i have some pottery i had to make for a project, its about brotherhood in america if one of you would like to work with it and make it more for anticom
The sons of man play heartingly by a hearth with their toys.
As the fire grows ever brighter and more is revealed they grow envious of the others.
Thus begins the everlasting fight where brother hurts brother to fight for the toy of the other.
The one who notices his possession is material and gives it over in kindness upon his own behalf.
Rather, he, unlike the other will not upset lady Columbia.
The one who fights must bother not America with his unbrotherly chaff.
For their nation America unlike any other lights the fire ever brighter.
Along the street two brothers meet, one poor, struggling with personal fights and at a low, the other takes him in.
Sooner would North Korea be a bastion of freedom than the poor one to let himself beg at his feet.
For him to live life in strangers suite made him think of the other pedestrians who would just walk by.
For they are but men made of lies.
And men of lies they will be till the day they die.
It is the duty of the righteous to care for their brethren, more so than they care for themselves.
For the selfish man all that he tells as lies he claims as truth, and all that is truth to him are lies.
That man is truly blind, for even the blind man can see the evil in his words and in his actions that he dares to do.
In the eyes of America that life is the foundation of the land.
Yet in the eyes of a liar the righteous life is abstruse.
For those men who cherish brotherhood a heav’n born band shall play for them at St. Peter's portal.
We are a peaceful organization,
designed to protect businesses, demonstrations and speaking events
from violent domestic terror groups who have spread fear and intimidation
amongst law abiding citizens
my 2 cents
some of it seems forced because it was a requirement
pottery? or poetry? lol
@Cœur de Lion I like that
pottery is the dank may-may way of saying poetry
@Cœur de Lion not bad
Drop "designed"
maybe "devoted to"