Message from @jayem
Discord ID: 556108109760823317
One of the biggest mistakes he has done is get rid of his reddit
Go against his OWN community
That really pissed ppl off
Everyone just moved to ip2
So no matter what he does, he's just gonna get hated
Like all he did was equivalent to not looking at his Reddit
ye but his itentions was to fuck every1 up
Thats why he locked it
And thats what pissed off ppl
It's funny that the ip2 Reddit is better at PR and brandingg then ice even though he supposedly has (or had) an industry "manager"
GG @dans12worlds, you just advanced to level 5!
he averaged 2day like 6k viewers
Thats rly low for him
I wonder how much he has averaged this month
probably 5k
who in the hell is making fun of a shooting reeeeeeeeeeee
you won this round cunts
hes talking about the guy who shot up a mosque
That's probably for NZ
in new zealand
ya who would have thought
The terrorist attack in New Zealand
Happened some hours ago
It's next to Australia
Southern hemisphere