Message from @Tedium
Discord ID: 341456645907283970
If it'll save our race do it. Steal. Kill. Lie. Whatever. If we gotta cheat then so be it. I'd rather sell my soul than have worthless half bred grandchildren who are slaves to jews
Kikes are the dirtiest of enemies the white race has ever faced. And we're worried about stealing a design.
I volunteer to be one of 14 million. Assign me a Jew.
I guess that's what we get
For caring too much about White people.
Fuck us.
I don't give a fuck about torches and flags. I just want some beautiful White babies.
I must be damned good to steal a logo I've never even seen.
That's, like, some mind reading stuff right there.
Just give it back Thomas, for fucks sake.
*I want to see this elusive logo which I have never seen but yet copied*
Nevermind I'm too lazy to type all that
It was funny as fuck though
The wanting white babies. Trying to lighten the mood.
We're out of the movie now.
Well I was more wanting to have my own white babies with my own wife
But you know
Oh I know.
She's out there, brother.
You're a good man.
I'm alright. Thomas doesn't like me.
He called me a mamzer. And then he stole a torch from some poor lesser known group
What in the fuck is a mamzer?
Google it
It's very rude
On it.
Rude AND hurtful.
How was the movie anyway?
It was pretty good. I would have enjoyed it more from the German point of view.
But lots of tension and anxiety. Not like a typical war movie of constant in your face action.
This was more like "fuck. What next?"