Message from @Andy
Discord ID: 281485242487799819
we funny
u's funny too?
My cousin uses Ifunny
there are a few websites that are pretty much 4chan lite
@Andy do you know of it?
so they won't be too hard
>mfw mike pence thinks I'm gay
Man looks like you're running out of juice
Well I heard some bots have something like that, I dont know
Anyone advertise us on 8chan? or is 8pol lost?
sherman need 5.0 BR xaxaxa
this is my favorite meem
@🅱arD I was banned the first time I posted a link
from ifunny?
No 8chan
which apperently s controlled by antifa or something
9gag makes the best memes
They are
or TRS is all jewish and 8pol is our sevior
or somethig like that
it seems to be a bit of both
with how the mods can pretty much ban anyone for saying something they suspect to be incorrect to them, I suppose there's some room for corruption
I just had a thought
It would not surprise me if anti-fa infiltrated 8pol
Do socialists unironically not realize that their attempt at equalizing the wealth distribution between classes, in fact makes it more likely they'll never move up in the world if they're unable to self-actualize, create business, et al?
They think that if you get rid of cappitalism
socialists dont follow basic economics
Oh, right
then everyone will magically want to work for the betterment of humanity
because capitalism is an attitude that our society forces on us
from birth
they completely throw out supply and demand, the fact that greed is a natural human force that can and will occur in anyone in the right conditions, ect
Nothing wrong with that, greed gets shit done
Everyone will magically want to work, but it will be a waste of time due to the colossal socialist restrictions
and if we got rid of it everyone would give their 150% effort into bettering humanity.