Message from @Nathan TX
Discord ID: 345972607964938241
Black nationalists and a white guy
Baked's stream said that the NG is going to McIntire park to arrest those there. Goys, get out. Keep yourselves safe.
Watch the ruptly stream
Multiple niggers trying to chimp out on one white man
Baked alaska is just walking atm so I agree with nathan
baked alaska stream guy*
I have multiple streams up, ipad, iphone, laptop... it's insane. I'm trying to see everything that's going on.
This white guy is holding his ground in the face of a nigger horde!
they are beating his car
He pulled out
Any info aside from what we already know from the streams?
So did paul ryan apperently
Theres a helicopter I think on the RT one
Riot police are moving in on the ruptly one
50 our guys?
Or what
There's no way
police line on RT
Plate carriers and guns in the back of some truck
Africans are continually chimping out
baked alaska is about to end his stream, getting close to him leaving somehow
"They want us to shut it off but I dont roll like that"
What is CobraSec
Yeah baked stream is boring
Ruptly stream is showing some chimpouts
These militia men literally have their backs to the wall
And the niggers are on the other side screaming
spencer tweeted a rant
apperently he got maced by militarized police
Lol these niggers are like "MELANIN MOTHA FUCKA"
And leave it to Paul Ryan and the GOP to be complete fucking neocuckservatives.
We got MRAPs rolling in
which stream?