Message from @redskegg
Discord ID: 328026425045024768
We're losing our children, folks. We're sacrificing them on the altar of degeneracy and Semeticism.
We're losing ourselves.
Politics won't help us, not as much as we hope.
We need religion.
We need to feel the power of God course through us.
My Race is my religion.
It is under this banner that I wage Holy War.
Marching to Zion will red pill why Zionism is bad
Anderson pissed me off too much.
I tried to watch it.
He has few good videos
He basically said Catholics are bad look at South America and Hitler
He also has videos about how the Bible advocates race-mixing.
And how racists are stupid.
I know
Fuck that.
Two videos I like are his MLK JR and anti Zionist video
I was raised that race mixing was bad cause of Tower of Babel
I was raised that blacks are the descendants of Cain and even though I now know the Bible doesnt explicitly state that, it's pretty hard to shake that belief when you see how they act
And that was why racemixing is bad
You aren't alone Redskegg.
Oh sweet. Hi there.
I used to hang out with pagans.
Oh yeah?
What happened?
I used to be heavily involved in the Occult.
The people I usually hangout with are budhist and agnostics. I don't know any other IRL pagans.
^^^ neither do i
All the pagans I hung out with were almost exclusively homosexuals and degenerates.
Ah. The universalist new age types eh
s what happened
So what are you now, if anything?
I know the type of person you're talking about
I just envision fat neckbeard weebs "hail Thor he watches over me"