Message from @Peter.
Discord ID: 519444356868866048
The best part is that an entire Israeli Special Operations unit got captured
And they crossed in dressed as women
So now the myth of evrey jewish person being rich is officially true
The construction of the third temple is supposed to signal the end of the age of the gentile
Miniature Australias
Except they wonβt grow to do anything productive
The Island is not deserted, there lives like 2 people there. It used to be a research center for animal diseases and nobody was allowed on the island without direct permission because it had all kinds of cow, bird and pig plague on it
Commies are freaking out because they fear that the people put there will contract bird flu x1000 and die instantly (I wish)
lul imagine there being two ruralites living trad life there
and then the benevolent goberment places 1000+ negroids there every night.
Hopefully they have guns
Open season
They're going to run outta ammo right quikc.
Just say the diseases that were being studied there killed them if anyone asks
Alternatively you could just move the two people off the island and then accidently firebomb it
it's the buckshot virus. Very rare
The sores look like bullet holes
Dow down over 700
The system is a bit weaker today than it was last week
I pray this continues
The stone hasn't been laid yet
5 Days
The hand shall soon be played
I wonder how many children will be sacrificed at the dedication
A lot
I wonder if it will be nuked
Probably not.