Message from @Aftokratoras Νικος Μεταξας | ♄

Discord ID: 601951472422354984

2019-07-06 18:07:17 UTC  

Their greatness can be attested to by the fact that Roman Civilization more than any other singular European Civilization, contributed to the pantheon of greatness that is, or rather was, and could be once again, Western Civilization. Our legal vocabulary is almost a Latin dictionary, our scientific vocabulary *is* a Latin dictionary. Senates, systems of governance, and so much more can be traced directly to Rome. Also of course it is from Rome whence comes our Roman Salute (also perhaps being an Ancient even primordial Germanic Salute predating Rome, approaching a stranger with right arm out and hand open, displaying a bare palm to show you come without a weapon and in peace) as well as the etymology of our beloved Fascism, the Fasces being the symbol and physical embodiment of state power and Imperium in Roman Civilization. Fascism of course being eternal truth supercedes not only Rome but also precedes Time itself, but it is from Rome that we were able to name and define this all-encompassing worldview, it is from the Heir of Rome, Benito Mussolini, IL DUCE that this worldview was first formally named and codified. One of our greatest philosophers in the highest sense of the word, not in the lower sense of thinking for the mere action of thinking without having any effect on the human experience and struggle, was also inspired by the Hyperborean Ideal of Ancient Rome and sought to bring about a renaissance of these ideals: Baron Julius Evola.

2019-07-06 18:07:32 UTC  

Just as Greece was the founding of Europe, and Rome the fulfillment, so to was Benito Mussolini, IL DUCE, the founder of Fascism, and Adolf Hitler, The Führer, the fulfillment.

As Adolf Hitler said in his address to the Reichstag on December 11th, 1941, during which among other topics such as the bravery and loyalty of the Italian Legions, and reflecting on his failed peace overtures to the fat, capitalist, cowardly, homosexual, hedonistic drunken warmonger known as Winston Churchill, (may his bones be crushed to dust and his name and memory forever cursed by all loyal sons and daughters of Europe) The Führer reflected on the question of “What is Europe?”

2019-07-06 18:07:49 UTC  

“...And then the spirit of Europe shifted from Hellas to Rome. Roman thought and Roman statecraft combined with Greek spirit and Greek culture. An empire was created, *the importance and creative power of which has never been matched, much less surpassed, even to this day...”*

The Ancient Romans were the greatest of us, the closest to the Hyperborean Ideal which we all strive to attain, and I believe that it is by studying them, and seeking to emulate them, that we can begin to build the staircase of greatness that we must walk to transcend the wretched and pathetic weakness of our age (brought about by the Death-Forces, the Forces of Disintegration, so brilliantly outlined in the heroic Savitri Devi’s *The Lightning and The Sun*) become The Overmen we are destined to be, and explore and colonize, in accordance with and obeisance to Natural Order, the galaxy, bringing the good word of Fascism to the furthest reaches of space and time, and thus re-founding, or perhaps becoming worthy enough to be allowed contact with, Hyperborea.

There are sources beyond number which can be studied to learn about the rise and fall of this Greatest of Civilizations, and I encourage you to study as many of them as you can, but here I will present only one: The History of Rome podcast by Mike Duncan. Make no mistake, Mike Duncan is clearly, by his personal interjections and opinions expressed throughout the podcast, a pathetic liberal who cannot even begin to fathom in his dreams the true meaning, consequences, and spirit of Roman Civilization. However, the podcast does provide a good enough overview of the history of Rome, and an already enlightened and Fascistic listener can gleam all he or she needs to by listening, picking up on the primordial truths of Rome that the unawakened pass by utterly unknowingly.

2019-07-06 18:08:02 UTC  

Hail Rome, Hail IL DUCE, Hail The Führer, Hail The Aryan People, Hail Julius Evola, Hail Savitri Devi, Hail Fascism, Hail National Socialism, Hail Hyperborea, and Hail Victory!

"Il Duce" was stopped by the Greeks so I'd say he wasnt an all powerful person, he was more incompetent than Metaxas at warfare.

2019-07-06 19:49:44 UTC  

@Aftokratoras Νικος Μεταξας | ♄ IL DUCE still founded Fascism, and at least Italy was a part of the right side in the Second World War. If Greece was they wouldn’t have been invaded, and eventually stomped by Germany

2019-07-06 19:50:48 UTC  

IL DUCE was also Chad as fuck. Dude was a brawler, a common man, had wives and mistresses pouring out his ears, was funny as fuck, and refused an offer from the King of Italy to make him a Prince

I guess, only Hitler was taught, not any of the other axis folks

2019-07-18 04:54:35 UTC  

Fascism =/= NS whoever says otherwise is a fool, queer, and wrong

2019-07-18 04:57:31 UTC  

I got a text dump too if you like it, part of a greater thing

2019-07-18 04:57:35 UTC  

Judaism was very problematic for the Roman Empire, with the Jewish-Roman wars claiming more than 1,000,000 lives. Judaism, especially in its most militant form, such as with the zealots, was likely the culture with the least willingness to integrate and respect Roman culture - which was exceptionally accepting of diverse beliefs, customs, and faiths. Similar to the Persian and Macedonian empires, Rome's considerable multicultural tolerance to their subjects coupled with powerful control of military and political rule, allow it encompass a vast amount of land and divergent cultures. The social and pecuniary cost Rome expected in return was, for its relatively minor intrusion into the day-to-day affairs of most people was rarely the source of rebellion, especially given the accompanying protection it afforded. Conversely, Second-Temple Judaism was intensely exclusive with its concepts of genetic-religious descent, jealous monolatry, or monotheism. Being the "chosen" of god, a Messianic apocalypse where god violently slaughters many among every other tribe and God raises the Jews as rulers of the entire world and exacting the laws of the Mosaic Law.

2019-07-18 04:57:50 UTC  

The Jews greatly resented Roman intrusion into what had developed into an extremely uncompromising set of religious demands. Fervent religious intransigence brought about a perhaps unprecedented scale of ideological conflict; quite different from the traditional battle over resources. For, although the Jews had been repeatedly ruled by other empires hundreds of years earlier, the rise of increasingly fanatical sects, in combination with Rome's presence, led almost inevitably to violent holy war. Not all Jews were so zealous, and in fact some of their Luminaries had great curiosity and interest in other cultures. In particular, Hellenistic philosophy was held in very high regard by some key Jews - including the inestimably influential Flavius Josephus who uncannily parallels the biblical Paul in numerous respects, and Philo of Alexandria who came from an extremely wealthy family. These "Hellenistic Jews" rejected the insular exclusivity and militancy of the Zealots and Pharisees, incorporated Greek Platonism, Roman Stoicism, and other influences and held high sway with many of the mid-to-later Roman Emperors.

2019-07-18 04:58:02 UTC  

Christianity, whether by accident or deliberate conspiracy, presented an ideal solution to Rome's Jewish question by the time of its rise from a negligible Jewish sect to a popular religion in the Roman Empire well over one hundred years after the claimed death of Christ. Jews were given a dignified and productive path to being assimilated into the Roman Empire, while the most troublesome holdouts would receive their brethren's blame for rejecting the Messiah and thus causing the siege of Jerusalem as divine retribution. As Jews point out to this day, Jesus frequently contradicts the Torah and fails to fulfill prophecies in that the messiah of their scripture is a David-like warrior-king who leads the Jews to victory over all other nations, placing Jews into world rule. This major incompatibility was waved away in the new religion primarily on the authority of the New Testament, as in the supersession of prior covenants. If a Jew does not accept the autocratic authority of the Christian Scriptures, how is he or she to accept such a different messiah from what was previously expected?

2019-07-18 04:58:32 UTC  

Fortunately, for the Romans, and to large credit to the elaborate and Talmudical argumentation of Paul, many Jew did eventually become Christians, especially when Christian Rome began persecution of Jews - persecution prominently led by converted Jews. Rome had changed considerably since the time of the Punic Wars, and the old gentile families were now of less importance than the wealthiest and most powerful of foreign politicians. The multiculturalism which was required for stability in Rome's vast reach conflicted with the old racial rules for senatorship. These rules, and even those for becoming Emperor, were relaxed - the process starting under the immensely popular Julies Cesar - whose death by betrayal of the Senate and most importantly Brutes, compare with Judas, closely prefigured the passion of Christ. The Romans, unlike several other ancient civilizations, did not worship their Emperor as a God. But this changed under Cesar, who became the first Roman to become officially deified as DIVUS JULIUS. Just as Jesus brought universalism and a relaxing of Mosaic Law to the Jews, so Julius brought liberalizing change to the Romans. Julius's imperial cult remained widespread after the purported time of Christ, as his followers were later readily absorbed into Christianity as were many of those who worshiped Isis - the virginal mother god of Horas, Mythra, Zoroastrian savior messiah, SOL INVICTUS, the unconquered ie the undying sun who Constantine favored until his conversion to Christianity, precipitating the official adoption of Christianity in Rome, and other deities.

2019-07-18 04:58:47 UTC  

The easy assimilation of these diverse cults was in large part due to the inclusion of numerous practices, myth and ideas from popular religions. For example, the astro-theological implications of one who is crucified, dies for three days during which the change in which day's light is relatively imperceptible, and then rises into the sky in resurrection on Easter would be clear with so many parallel beliefs formed around solar gods in the spring equinox - just as was the birthdate approximately three days after the winter solstice when the sun seems to be reborn in a new cycle of life. The resurrection, Immaculate Conception, various miracles, trinity relationships, 12 Apostals, and other "coincidences" between Christianity and previous religions were so overwhelming that several church father directly addressed the issue. Some suggesting that Satan had put imitators in place to mislead and others adopting a gentler line: that God had placed these types purposefully to prepare non-Jews to accept Christianity.

2019-07-18 04:59:14 UTC  

The Roman Empire, despite its disappearance as an open political force, lived on through the hermetic infusion of massive influence and even continues in unbroken succession to this day, an organization that forms the wealthiest and largest in the world with well over a billion subjects. This Emperor is seen by his subjects as literally being able to decree the Omnipotent will of God. You know the Roman Empire in its new cloths, as the Roman Catholic Church. And so Christianity shrewdly assimilated the Jews into Roman culture, brought all of Rome's divergent religions under familiar imperial banner, taught a spirituality based on servility and obedience to civil authority, and made universal empire, whether of souls or of subjects, the standard context for politics and religion. But more fundamentally, Christianity globally spread the gospel of subjection. A slave's mentality of humble sacrifice and obedience, pacifying the cruel desert lord to a loving but strict Roman Pater who required inner discipline more than legalistic adherence. This gospel found peace and purpose in a dark and limited world, channeling life into a moral struggle of supernatural purity against vulgar sin.

2019-07-18 04:59:28 UTC  

The natural world now seen as hostile moral battlefield. In this, we can see the close relation of Christianity with Zoroastrianism, especially through their mystical fusion and Gnosticism. Zoroaster taught of absolute spiritual warfare between the good god, Ahura Mazda, and evil god, Ahriman. Every action would be judged according to which side it helped, culminating in eternal reward or eternal damnation. Within Zoroastrianism, as so clear in Gnosticism, is expressed the fundamentally unclean and imperfect character of the natural world and material existence starkly contrasted with the Platonic perfection of spiritual idealism. Death, decay, dirt, and chaos are all seen as manifestations of the inherent evil of the physical world. This concept of the supernatural vs the natural also permeates Christianity and has been the root of self-denial, mortification, chastity, and other professions of transcendence over the profane flesh. This conception also occurs in later Indian culture, well after the indigenous Harappan were apparently invaded by indo-Aryans who brought a spirituality clearly linked to primitive Zoroastrianism. After two millennia of authoritarian rule, Hinduism became progressively more nature-denying and ascetic, eventually co-mingling with other philosophies to form a spiritual mission of transcendence from natural existence - freedom from karmic suffering. This was very similar in many respects to Christianity.

2019-07-18 04:59:52 UTC  

Indeed, Buddhism appear to have been a direct influence on Christianity, although proto-Gnostic influences may have in fact even earlier influence Buddhism. Regardless of the pathway, the result: denying the fundamental reality, goodness, and originating character of nature, was to be found rapidly spreading from central Eurasia by the age of Codfish, which could be thought of as the age of national and theological subjection. All of the accredited Christian apologetics that have attempted to reconcile the old and new testaments could not keep out the belief that the cruel and slaving god of the Tanakh was different from that of the earlier theos, which, unlike the Aseret Hadibrot, does not demand absolute monotheism. Thus, Christianity repeatedly needed to "cleanse" the people of their remaining naturalistic beliefs. Whether through the slaughter of the early heretics, violent crusades against Saxons, Cathars, and Bogomils, or the latter Protestant depaganization of Catholicism. While the Jewish scriptures bragged of their violent suppression of other faiths and even genocide of their competitors, there's no convincing evidence of this actually happening in a regionally significant manner. But the central ideology of the jealous, wrathful God who demands absolute and exclusive obedience would be indeed pivotal in the resulting Christian and later Islamic religions.

2019-07-18 05:00:11 UTC  

The zeal of Messianic holy war that was the root of Jewish-Roman conflict would become tremendously enlarged once it had the full power of a well-organized, 50 million strong empire behind it. The utility and populative Christianity, well proven, and the canonical scriptures carefully established under Constantine, what remained was to stop the persistent criticism of the historicity, originality, and spiritual truth of the amalgamate religion and put all of Rome under its sign. Shortly after the Edict of Thessalonica was enacted in 380 AD/CE, Emperor Theodosius I decreed Paganism from Paganis - "of rural culture" - in reference to the spiritual traditions far from the Christianized urban centers illegal. The much exaggerated Roman persecution of Christians - which is primarily attests to later Christian writers - indisputably pales in comparison to the oppression non-Christians would experience in the years to come, including the death of millions of heretics and the forced conversion of countless more. Pagan temples were almost immediately closed, and many destroyed throughout the empire - including the famed Library of Alexandria, the largest storehouse of ancient knowledge in the world. According to the 5th century church historian Socrates of Constantinople, the library's crucial collection of holy texts, Athesraper, was deliberately destroyed by the Christian authorities. The remnants further purged by the Muslim Caliph Umar some 250 years later. Throughout the empire, the insights of the past were erased and a dark age of historical ignorance dimmed the land.

2019-07-19 20:20:46 UTC  

Where is this text from?

i think it's his own

2019-07-20 16:25:49 UTC  

^ an old work from something I did with Arthur Bliss and others from the Sunwheel Society, it’s part of something that in total has 10 parts @Valföðr

2019-07-20 16:26:04 UTC  

It has been slightly edited by me for easier reading

2019-07-20 16:26:14 UTC  

The original was in audio/video format

2019-07-20 16:34:44 UTC  
