Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 498601557772992513
In isolated cases niggers can be superior to whites
Ever heard of Mafias
Niggers are disgusting
Can we agree on that
They are
Just because buddy was born with a penis and a vagina doesn't mean we have to make transgenderism globally legal
But on a very isolated individual level, a nigger can be superior to a white
Just because a nigger shot a nigger over a heroin needle doesn't mean we need to ban guns
What!? Socially a nigger will never be higher than us whites
Deal with it on a case by case basis and leave the rest of society alone
@Veraklion what about Mafias, they aren’t state funded yet are powerful. A very good example of a privatised police force, started off as one
Mafias still aren't voluntary
You'll do what the Don says you'll do
Or you get iced
Their purpose was policing, people voluntarily paid for them
My point
They got so powerful it wasn’t voluntary anymore
Mafias are opposed by the state
They smuggle guns, sex workers etc.
They're self serving, materialist organizations
If it's profitable to stop smuggling drugs they'll do it and vice versa
I think drugs are essential for life
A Mafia is literally what will happen with your plans. First a private, voluntary police force and after a while grows so strong it isn’t voluntary anymore (possibly stronger than the state enforcement)
Lately I’ve been indulging in cocaine and it’s great
I feel enlightened
Drug dealers deserve to be shot, they're selling degeneracy
Anarchy will just devolve into roving gangs of warlords
@Ertzgold this
Btw those who don’t know, private and personal property are different things
I would say don’t diss it till you try it, I’ve become a full intellectual after taking coke
Lmao @Veraklion
Cool don’t care
Leave my toothbrush alone
Capitalism at work
@Deleted User toothbrushes are personal property not private
Different things
Communism and Anarchy are both Jewish ideals