Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 449278410867474437
because its summer 🤔
ente kalib
im talking about him...
he was telling lies about my country
oh what country?
because SD is fucking gay
well he's swedish, im swedish so whats the deal, ik hes not talking bad stuff about sweden?
Hospital bills for sverige demokrat shills
oh god are you sebastian or something
''sweden is the rape capital of the world'' - lies
Defending SD should be illegal.
Well it is
no it is not
He shilled for SD
not even close
well respecting opinions is something you should do and maybe say that what he is saying is not true, youre giving him and me for example a bad impression
SD gets the rope
buhu 😦
He was obviously a troll. :-DD
wawa poor litle me. the big bad nazis dont let me shittalk their orginisation and motherland 😦
SD is rooting for our extinction
hes not a troll he has his opinions and he has reasons
has he been raped?
Are you his alt?
Toximo i bet you dont even drink milk
no he hasn't ._. and no I'm not intrested in politics and i dont know enough about it but i know about something called opinions
oh i love milk
How did you end up in this server if you are not interested in politics?
well I wanted to chat with snow and i want to know about politics .___.
Obviously you know him from before since you calling him "snow" and there was nothing resembling snow in his name, so why dont you chat in private?
you say that you are not interested in politics but you also say you want to know about politics 🤔 hmmmmmm
hes my classmate .___. and that is related to his username in games so ive just started calling him that
Lol what happend here boys? 😂
i say im not intrested cus i dont knw much about it
hey ima girl )=
so you are not interested in woman then since you very likely know very litle about them^^