Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 449290588324626434
especially since you are then dressing in a uniform without having earned it @venakko
@Robin exactly you can be in between
Yes I do and I agree on that, drunken skinheads who fought everything and everyone had their time and it didn't bring success. Time for new things
1000 drunk skinheads to Gotland o/
I think trs guys are as bad as skinheads or worse
More emojis added for autismo
<:heil:449290177316388874> <:hang:449290175508512778> <:shieeet:449290178050261002>
@Deleted User I disagree tbh
At least skinheads can fight trs guys just shout about niggers all day but can't fight
didnt notice
skinheads also do drugs and promote degeneracy
Not all
And so does trs.
most of them
And larping
Yes obviously, but they just need to be taught and used as a force
Which are big problems in the movement
i also have problems in my movement
my bowel movement
>At least skinheads can fight trs guys just shout about niggers all day but can't fight
Do you even need to fight TRSers? Just throw some pennies on the ground and the jew Enoch will flip his shit and the rest will follow their "dear leader".
TRS is gay
We need a bork symbol.
i will donate a picture for that @Dr Kike Broccoliwitz Lenderman
Enoch is a joke. I don't understand what's wrong with people forgiving him that he lied about being married to a damn jew.
The guy that owns the site on where write articles used to pay to TRS
@Bork $hekel$$<:oyvey:449213130262708224>