Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 449303761547034654
Some romanian dude who went to jail joined azov
lol I posted that video earlier
Can not take them seriously with this guy being a part of it.
I know a lot of people hate them because they're funded by Jews but all the Jews I know they take money from clearly have personal interests in mind rather than Jewish interests
it's a myth
Yeah I herd they took money when they first started but now there like a pitbull of there leash
@Deleted User didn't read chat from that time
Seen a video of them storming a news station
didnt know about the myth
Because it was putting out pro immigration stuff
people are easy to get corrupted
Don't care where they got the money from as long as they set up things like this
Azov is great
I'm pretty sure they just got money from Jews who have an interest in Ukraine remaining independent like Kolomoyskyi, but if the war ends at any point they'll just be a trained and experienced military national socialist organization
They never got money from Jews 🤔
National Actions is prob my favorite group from Europe
Too bad they got shoah’d
NA was shit
i may be biased but NRM is best 😏
this tbh
@Robin I like your system
Half the group consisted of 50% hooligans and 50% edgy 16 year olds
You guy’s have an easier environment though
England is much more cucked than most Scandinavian countries
>easier environment
but everyone fighting for the national socialist cause have my respect
@Deleted User i dont want to bring up a warrior. but i will have to. sadly
One of NA’s members member was arrested for an anti-semitic tweet
Even TWP? Or NSM?
TWP and NSM are bith garbage
TWP is garbage
Heimbach had an affair